Misting my leaves everynight before i shut the light off.....


Active Member
good or bad?

starting to notice my leaves are getting really droopy...

does the misting have anything to do with this?



Smoky McPot
leaves droop either because you are overwatering or bc you are underwatering. So stop misting and if it gets worse then the problem was underwatering.


Well-Known Member
Droopy leaves are either overwatering or underwatering.
Misting probably dosnt have much to do with it, unless your soaking the leaves.

If your going to mist your plants dont do it when you turn the lights off, that can cause mold, mist when your lights are on.



Active Member
Droopy leaves are either overwatering or underwatering.
Misting probably dosnt have much to do with it, unless your soaking the leaves.

If your going to mist your plants dont do it when you turn the lights off, that can cause mold, mist when your lights are on.

are you sure??

i have a 1000 watt high pressure sodium light...

wouldnt the water from the mist burn the leaves????

let me know...


Smoky McPot
then most likely you are burning them. Just water without the spray and if it changes then ur good. If not, ur light is too close. How far away is ur HPS from the plant? Its all about trial and error man


Active Member
yellowing can also be a nitrogen deficiancy, how are ur nutes?
window in grow room for fresh air...

fan constantly running for circulation...

HPS 1000 watt light 40 inches away from the top of the plants....

just started giving them nutes....

im currently using OMRI ROOT JUICE root stimulator and Bio - Grow liquid fertilizer (1 teaspoon per liter of water)

im watering about once every 2-3 days...

everything was going GREAT....what am i doing wrong? :(


Active Member
THe bio-grow liquid fertilizer is (1.8 - 0.1 - 6.6)

is this good or bad??

this was a highly recommended fertilizer so i bought it.....

once again...im new at this so im open to all idea, recomendations and suggestions...

thanks alot for your help


Smoky McPot
The lights are a good distance away so it shouldnt be burning. You should try a fert with more Nitrogen than P and K. Also check to make sure your not overfeeding them since u just started. SOmetimes you have to introduce the food to ur plant veeeery slowly or else the roots will get burned.