

Well-Known Member
My friend was telling me that he had a mist set-up on his plants.
We started to argue cause I believe that that can cause burn spots on ur plants if you do it while the lights are on.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
it depends on who you ask. some say it does, others say they do it with no ill effects. to me, unless you're foliar feeding, what's the point???


Well-Known Member
You can mist with the light on with no ill effect if your mister is super fine. Foggers are the way to go.


Well-Known Member
But why mist?

Plants typically transpire water out their leaves, no?

Now for cuttings I can see, no roots to absorb water.


Well-Known Member
never mist with light on if any mist touches bulb you will be picking glass out of your face for weeks