Mite spray Killing Pistils? Help please


Strain: Strawberry cough
Medium: Soil (organic)
Nutes: Dr. Earth Liquid plus Tomato/Veg + bud & bloom booster
Light: Sunlight

I have noticed that the mites must take a liking to this strains' fruity scent.

During veg I dealt with it by using Einstein oil, Azamax, or Pyrethins sprays (garden safe brand).

When I used Einstein or Azamax, I'd add a few drops of Dr. Bronner 18- in one hemp castile soap + one drop on 70% isop. alcohol to hopefully kill eggs. This seemed to not damage the plant during veg besides normal leaf burn on the spots that were heavily saturated. (103 temps outside at the time)

It is in week 4 of flower now. ( I bring them inside) Mites are back! Hardcore. Last night I sprayed it with Azamax + isop. alc + Dr. Bronners. I wake up to see the pistils are burned/ tips of pistils are browning. Mites are gone/dead though.

Did I fuck up? Should I not have added the alc. or soap?? Will this significantly damage my yield? Should I leave it inside under cfl's for a day? The plant is huge. (5+ feet)

I'm so pissed.
Any of that stuff will burn pistils, they are pretty delicate.

One of them, might be Safer's soap, I don't remember, even says to keep it off flowers.

Burnt pistils aren't as bad as what mites can do though.

try to spray just under the fan leaves and keep the spray away from the buds. i sprayed last year up til a week and a half before harvest because the mites were so bad. as i got towards the end of harvest i used just a miniscule amount of azamax and the harvest came out well.
Try controlling your bugs in veg cycle then put them into a sterile bug free environment for flower time. Anything you spray on the buds will be smoked so that should be a last resort.
If outdoors is your thing, try constructing a contained environment with fine screen netting that bugs cant get through and regularly spray the soil/ground/fucking everywere with Gognats (besides the plant). Made from cedar oil and organic, this will keep those fuckers away :] (Nothing likes the smell of cedar so it kills/repels many varieties of cannabis loving bugs)
hope this helps
Don't know about the Bronners but Azamax will brown the pistils. I try to keep the solution @2 Tbsp (1 oz) per gallon or less. Don't spray them until they are soaking wet. It is systemic, you do not have to saturate the plant. Spray them at "lights out" so they have plenty of time to dry.
They should start producing pistils again in a few days to a week but it definitely slows them down.
gimmenobammerweed is right about spraying the undersides of the leaves.
Sounds like you killed the mites but everything else along with them. Maybe too much damage prob from the isop alc.