Mites, Gnats ??? Pics included

Have had a Gnat problem for a while can't seem to get rid of them. Best thing so far has been sticky fly strips. Anyway was in doing some stuff in the grow room and discovered this, They don't seem to be damaging the plant like spider mites. I was wondering if they are infant gnats or some type of mite???
DSCN0207.jpgSun Jun 24 14-34-42.jpgSun Jun 24 14-34-06.jpgSun Jun 24 14-33-54.jpgSun Jun 24 14-32-24.jpgSun Jun 24 14-32-22.jpgSun Jun 24 14-29-44.jpg


Active Member
Those are definitely mites.... are they black??? never seen those before... but mites for sure. I would suggest Mighty Wash or Neem, whatever you have available. soak that bitch and keep infected away from other plants...


Active Member
Those are definitely mites.... are they black??? never seen those before... but mites for sure. I would suggest Mighty Wash or Neem, whatever you have available. soak that bitch and keep infected away from other plants...
which of the two would you suggest? Mighty wash is useable out of the bottle and you do not need to spray clean water to wash off the mighty wash. Where neem oil has to be mixed and also has to be washed off of leaves to clear stomata. But which one is worth the $$?


Active Member
I usually neem, but people on this site have great results with mighty wash. The price tag and lack of hydro stores have stopped me from trying it... :(


Well-Known Member
Those are def aphids, mighty wash probably won't do it. I'm pushing purespray green tonite because everyone seems jewish and doesn't want to throw for pyganic


Active Member
I've had and continue to have excellent success using Sunlight dish soap 2 1/2 tbsps per gallon and a 1/4 cup of alcohol sprayed on the affected plants leaves and all undersides ..... kills them dead within 2 hours, then I do a clean water spray ph 6.5 and this I've found is the cheapest most effective mite control I've ever tried in 25 years of growing indoors. This cheap and super effective method was told to me by another older indoor gardener, who's experience is my pleasure. Always make sure to spray the plants with water after approx. 2 hours and this can be repeated every 6-7 days until all pests are gone. With double spotted mites "the worst of the worst" sometimes I'll alternate between the soap and alcohol and Avid. Mites get used to sprays and growers must resort to alternatives to keep their gardens free of pests.

jessy koons

New Member
Aphids! If possible, wash them off with a hard spray from a hose. 2 drops of unscented, non detergent soap ( Dr Bronners or a baby safe soap ) in 1 quart of water and sprayed on the aphids will help to control them. They will diminish the size of your yield a little or possibly a lot if their population increases rapidly.
Only in my flower room, There only on one plant in a small section of it, which i was going to harvest this week anyway. Going to spray neem on the rest today, Have about 20 in flower at various stages. Veg room seems clean but i'll spray them just to make sure. Any suggestions on how to get rid of the Gnats?


Well-Known Member
What I do to take care of the gnats is let the plants dry out a little more between watering, put out lots of yellow sticky traps, and throw potato slices on top of the soil/media.

Throw 3 potato slices, sliced 1/4 inch thick into each pot. Wait two days, then go around and pick out all of the slices and dispose of them quickly.

If they are fungus gnats, when you grab the slice on the underneath side you will see little larvae all over it. They love the starch?.

Traps, potato and less watering is pretty effective.

If you don't want to spend a ton of money on the yellow sticky traps buy a stack of yellow construction papar and a tub of tanglefoot. make your own.

I bet they are not fungus gnats, but winged aphids. I think the aphids are going to give you a little more trouble than you are expecting.
Pulled everything out this morning sprayed all plants and washed the whole room out, found aphids on 2 out of 19 both same strain and in 9th week of flower (didn't spray these 2 going to harvest today to get them out of there). Definitely fungus gnats i find them in my run off, Put heaps of sticky traps up for them, going to go put potato slices on there right now.


Active Member
Fucking disgusting little things man, i like to kill them and then piss on them for good measure lol. not your plants just them. with the piss that is, damn im blazed


Well-Known Member
Those are definitely mites.... are they black??? never seen those before... but mites for sure. I would suggest Mighty Wash or Neem, whatever you have available. soak that bitch and keep infected away from other plants...
Those are aphids dude, easy to identify because of the " dual exhaust tips" at the end of their bodies.


Well-Known Member
I see why some people said mites though. The ones with the very pear shaped (larger) bodies looked like aphids for sure. Those other little ones have a very mite like look to them. Weird. never seen aphids magnified. But yeah, the "dual exhaust" shows who they are.