Mix cbd oil with thc oil?


Well-Known Member
Hi here in Sweden you can buy cbd oil but without thc. From what i have heard it's the combination with cbd and thc which gives you painrelief which is what im looking for. So Im planning on buying cbd oil and mix it some thc oil.
What are your thoughts on the subject?
How much thc oil should i ad? I really don't want any psychoactive effects only as much i need for painrelief.
I think it’s a matter of adding the thc in increasing amounts until you achieve a sweet spot. Perhaps learning to deal with the high that comes with it. Find a strain that works would be important. Apparently different strains will produce different “high” effects...paranoia, dry mouth etc.
I've never thought of mixing thc and cbd oils. Actually, I get pain relief with marijuanabreak cbd oils but if you say that mixing it with thc gives better results then I will definitely try it. It'll take some time to find out the best ratio but I hope it's worth it.