Mix Green Paint for floor?


I hear you. One of my core principles is, "do it right, and you only have to do it once." I always overprepare, because then I have more of a buffer built in when something goes wrong that I didn't prepare for - and you know that's going to happen at some point in every run. There's no such thing as being too prepared.

Welcome to the boards. Just please don't kill Vostok; I like him. Every time he types "moose and squirrel," I fall over laughing.
Oh i pissed a LOT of people off while preparing my new Room..yes I believe its necessary or I wouldn't ask for it..argh!!!! I spent the past two weeks constructing, reconstructing and research just to prepare. Why? Because you're right..something will happen and I want to know that I did everything I could and not wish I woulda done everything. Or that I knew better but let someone else influence my decision.

Vostek? I'm not mad..he just said something moronic and I felt t he desire to point it out. I came looking for assistance. I coulda got a ignorant response from people around me. I was on week two of working 18-22hours a day. He just spoke outta turn after misunderstanding. Russian smussian..he knew where he was going by saying that. I thought he was polite hence why I didn't go off to hard. But Im wary to post new things. I've always been independent yet I cannot trust many due to safety concerns. And the ones I can haven't grown. So I reach out to the web and my first contact is VOSTEK. I'm. Good..I have enough assholes who choose to make comments by miscommunication..my distance is where I'll stay. I'll leave if he is saying I caused him distress by calling his post unfounded. But I back my words and every thing they meant..

Moose? Squrrel? Ok??
Best of luck to ya. I'm feeling like in being asked to leave? Sorry vosteck did mean to whoop u so bad.it was fun...

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
Ah, well... generational thing, I guess. Rocky and Bullwinkle. Boris Badunov and Natasha Whatever-her-name-was were always trying to overthrow western civilization, and Rocky and Bullwinkle were always whompin' em upside their evil commie heads. And Boris and Natasha were always coming up with these schemes to outsmart "moose and squirrel". So whenever Vostok types "moose and squirrel" with his Russian accent, it cracks me up because it reminds me of Rocky and Bullwinkle.

Anyway, I don't know where you're getting the idea anyone's asking you to leave. I haven't seen it. Relax and make yourself at home, there's no behind the scenes bullshit or hidden agendas or cliques here. It's one of the coolest things about this site... everyone's mostly pretty mellow, for some mysterious reason I haven't been able to figure out yet.... bongsmilie
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Lol..its just everyone saying relax on VOSTEK..I'm so over that..and it was comical I wasn't angry he wasn't rude, just ignorant..he just needed to know that for one he assumed then formed an opinion on that assumption..a polite opinion on something he doesn't understand..

But any way...I'm looking to step up an start infusing into drinks its there a good forum for that??