Mixed Auto Grow with Spider Farmer SE3000 from giveaway

Now exactly three weeks since the Forum Stompers broke soil. Looking pretty good. Really bushy growing. If I raise the lights, will they grow taller and less bushy? Not sure. Most of my autos have been bushy girls.

Here is a before/after I engaged in some of the daily LST, shifting tie downs and doing some bending of softer branches. Rear plant is showing preflower pistils, so I’ll probably back off additional training soon. Getting so dense in there I had to untangle some branches. Couple more gnats on the sticky strips. Thinking of adding the Dr Earth amendment soon.


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Thirsty and growing like crazy. Both Forum Stompers now showing preflower stuff. There are two dominant phenomes for this variety according to the description on site, a bushy variety and a more branchy variety. I got one of each last round and suspect the same this time. Here is what I suspect is a branchy variety, post todays’s training and tucking.


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Thirsty and growing like crazy. Both Forum Stompers now showing preflower stuff. There are two dominant phenomes for this variety according to the description on site, a bushy variety and a more branchy variety. I got one of each last round and suspect the same this time. Here is what I suspect is a branchy variety, post todays’s training and tucking.
looks good bud...dont be afraid to trim some of those branches man!!! either way looking forward to seeing what the buds turn out as
setting up a tent in a few weeks wondering if this SF2000 i got is worth flowering with or just stick to my 400w HPS
Went away for a few days. Always fun to see what they do. Forum Stompers are stretching and bushy at just under four weeks old. Doesn’t look like any new gnats on the yellow strips. Thanks for the microbe lift advice!

They are a little thirsty and need some tending to - later today. I get my water from a local spring, and I need to make that run this afternoon as well. I plan on adding the Dr. Earth before watering later today.


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looks good bud...dont be afraid to trim some of those branches man!!! either way looking forward to seeing what the buds turn out as
setting up a tent in a few weeks wondering if this SF2000 i got is worth flowering with or just stick to my 400w HPS

I really have no question that this light will produce nice, dense buds in my space, 3x3. It’s more powerful with better distribution than the ACI light I used for the past year. It did great; expect the same from this grow with the Spider Farmer light! Raised it a bit today; still running @ 50%. Might turn her up soon though.
Post trim update. Gave the Forum Stompers light trims and some readjusted tie downs. Added 1/4 cup of Dr. Earth as a top dressing for each plant along with watering. Topped the Sangria, only plant that’s gotten the top clip. Rotated again also. Trying to treat these girls right.


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Around 24 hours after yesterday’s new training. Probably about as far as training goes for the Forum Stompers, as they’ll be in full on flower soon. I’ll get in there and trim more in a week or so. Light now at 80%, 14-18” above the plants. May be pushing things, but keeping a close eye. Fast growers. Starting to try to dial down the humidity and needed to move a dehumidifier into the area around the tent to help out. Easy.


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Day 28 for the Forum Stompers. I dialed the light back to 70% as some of the new growth looked like it might be a little sensitive. ACI fan finally quit oscillating. Will try some cheaper, non-programmable model. Just want the thing to run. Happy four week birthday to the autos.


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Day 28 for the Forum Stompers. I dialed the light back to 70% as some of the new growth looked like it might be a little sensitive. ACI fan finally quit oscillating. Will try some cheaper, non-programmable model. Just want the thing to run. Happy four week birthday to the autos.
Day 28 for the Forum Stompers. I dialed the light back to 70% as some of the new growth looked like it might be a little sensitive. ACI fan finally quit oscillating. Will try some cheaper, non-programmable model. Just want the thing to run. Happy four week birthday to the autos.
Your going to like that Forum Stomper, that was my last run. I have NOTHING negative to say. Best run for me and trust me. I have many runs under my belt.
Your going to like that Forum Stomper, that was my last run. I have NOTHING negative to say. Best run for me and trust me. I have many runs under my belt.

Yes sir. This is my second round. Very happy with the first harvest, two plants from the same seed pack that I harvested in mid-July. Fast grow, great smoke. Dank stuff. And I thank Mephisto for giving me four seeds in each of the three packs!
About to grind a Forum Stomper nug from July for a show tonight. Another reminder of things to look forward to from the current grow.


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When you do I need to ask you if you smell hints of blueberries? It may be me but I do.

I’d describe the smell as pretty dank and musky. On the limb, buds almost had a moth ball kind of smell. But it’s not sweet or fruity to me. Pretty kind over all. I did have two different phenotype. The branchier variety definitely had the danker, more complex profile.
Went away for a few days and came back to some very thirsty plants, one in particular was starting to wilt a little, though none too bad and they’ve all bounced back. Hungry days. Coming along well. Raised the lights an inch or so as the new growth on the back Forum Stomper is reaching. Light is at 80% now. Likely no need to go above that, but we’ll see. The plants in back are just past the one month mark. 33 days.


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Day 34. Adding a couple more pics, just cause they were thirsty in the last one, but have perked up nicely over night. Almost ready for another watering, which means a run to the spring to fill some jugs. I imagine the Forum Stompers are pretty much coming to the end of their stretch. Love watching them fill in over the coming weeks! Perhaps signs of a little burn (?) on new flowering growth, but not worried. Let me know if you see something a should be reacting to or have other suggestions!


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I actually had a bad dream that my plants had turned dark green and shrunk considerably. The leaves were all limited to three blades. I swear I must have been influenced by something I saw here. Scary. But all is good. Girls got a rotation and whatever water I had left. Mission today is more spring water. But a quick check assured it was just a bad dream.


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Made the water stop today. 24/7 pure spring water. I fill ten, 1-gallon jugs for now. The good stuff.


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Growing's like being a parent. You notice little day to day changes that others probably aren’t as concerned about. Happy with the progress so far. Still running the lights at 24 hours, 80% now, 12” from tallest growth. I think I’ll stick with 24 hours through the grow, which I’ve not tried. Day 37 for the biggest, I believe. Happy so far.


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Growing's like being a parent. You notice little day to day changes that others probably aren’t as concerned about. Happy with the progress so far. Still running the lights at 24 hours, 80% now, 12” from tallest growth. I think I’ll stick with 24 hours through the grow, which I’ve not tried. Day 37 for the biggest, I believe. Happy so far.
Looking good!!