Mixed Bag (Blackberry, Pure Afghani & Blue-Mystic AutoFlower) Flowering


Active Member

This is my 1st post here and only my 2nd grow. I am 1 week into flowering. Started with many now down to a mere 6 beautiful females. So whats on the menu???? Well I have 1 Blackberry (Nirvana), 3 Blue-Mystic Autos (Nirvana), 2 Pure Afghani (Seeds I got free from ordering, can't recall the site). Also, I do want to mention that I am a licensed medical user and grow for my own consumption. I have no patients at the present time, and I therefore do not sell any of my final product :shock:

The setup:

  • 1000 Watt Ultra Sun HPS lamp (I know it's a no namer but I have a budget)
  • Sun System Cool Sun Reflector (6 inch)
  • 1000 Watt Sun System 10 Crop Master Remote SW Ballast
  • 4x4x6.5ft Tent (mylar interior)
  • 2 Holmes 8 Inch desk fans (used to cool light and interior of tent, removed grilles and rigged them to affix to the holes in the tent, much cheaper than the big fancy fans, although I will have to get one and a carbon filter :( that is a must)
  • 1 70 GPH water pump
  • Lots of air line
  • 3 6-inch air stones
  • 1 12-inch air stone
  • 2 Elite802 Dual outlet air pumps
  • Advanced Nutrients 3 Part Grow-Micro-Bloom
  • 5 Gallon Bucket w/ Lid
  • Sterilite Tote (can't recall size at the moment)
  • 2.5 Gallon bucket w/ Lid
The above items are used for flowering, there were several other items that were used in veg, I have 2 separate areas for veg and 1 for cloning.

I keep the temperature between 80 - 85, 70 - 72 at night. Humidity is kept at 48 - 52%. My water pH is around 5.75. I add nutes at equal intervals during the week (I don't add lets say all 8 tsp at once I may put in 2 tsp per day until that amount is reached, just to avoid nute burn as I do not use organic...yet), change reservoirs every two weeks. Light cycle is your typical 12/12.

As I stated before I have started flowering on the Blackberry (BB) and Pure Afghani (PA). The Blue Mystic (BM) are auto-flowers so they started flowering a long time before the other two strains. Veg part is boring so I figured I would spare those details and get to the fun stuff that everyone loves.

I am roughly one week into flowering, I will provide exact dates later as my laptop is out of commission and that where I was keeping my journal :( I am going to post a few pics and leave it at that for now. I just got this camera so I haven't figured out all the new features and the closeups are a bit sketchy, but I will try to tweak it to get better.

Please if you have any suggestions or questions feel free to comment/ask. I do want to say that I will start putting in dates and other specifics going forward.

Pics taken 8/19, with the exception of the 1st pic which was taken 7/20, also in that pic you can see when they were put into the tote from seed. 1st pic is of the BB.

Also, let me know if there is information that I neglected to put in this post. Let me know what you think. Thanks for looking.



Active Member
I will be adding new pics tonight. You will see that all the plants have grown considerably. See you tonight!!!


Well-Known Member
Looking good smac! You're definitely using the right nutes, but you may want to get some bigbud as well.... that's the shit!


Active Member
Thank you for the compliment!!! I did look at BigBud at some point but decided to go with another strain at that time, but I will keep that in mind. I just started 6 Bubblicious, really excited about those.

So the BMs are producing a very strong odor. To me it smells great, but if I have guests over, well, they may become a bit curious. Time to get the carbon filter :(

BB is going through about 1.5 gal of H2O per day, INSANE!!! Flowers are really beginning to take form in several areas on the plant, gonna be a huge yield.

BMs are doing great!!! The flowers are getting noticeably bigger everyday, soon the buds will fatten up and will be time to pull. I did notice in one of the pix that there are some trichs on the leaves. Probably only 3-4 weeks left on the BM. They are all getting very tall still, I thought auto-flowers were very short, this plant is over 2ft, not that its a bad thing.

PA looks the same. The fan leaves are getting bigger, but no real news on the flowers. She is getting taller and her stalk is getting much larger.

Well here is the good part that everyone just scrolls down for the pix, so for all of you that are guilty of this (I am as well) here you go....



Active Member
So today is day 11 of flowering and I think I may run out of room in my tent. The BB is getting enormous, I have the light up as high as it will go. So I think I will end up having to bend a few of the branches if this growth keeps up. The tent is definitely producing a strong odor. There are so many bud sites, I counted 51, that was all I could see anyway. The BM are doing very well too, alot of trichome production, so those should be ready in about 3 1/2 weeks. The Afghani in the back right is starting to take off, the leaves are no longer drooping, but standing up now. There are no bud sites yet on those 2 plants.

I just ordered Advanced Nutrients Big Bud and Overdrive, so I will start using those next Wednesday. I will try to post new pics tonight. Cya then


Active Member
Looking good smac! You're definitely using the right nutes, but you may want to get some bigbud as well.... that's the shit!
Haha I thought by Bigbud you meant the strain, but I think you meant the nutes... I did order it today as well as Overdrive


Active Member
Here are the latest pics. The BB is looking very nice with soooooooooo many bud sites. BM's are looking very charming as well, buds are getting bigger and the hairs, well you will see. As for the other 2 I'm not sure that they are the same strain, one is tall with small leaves, while the other is short and has HUGE leaves, these leaves are bigger than my head. I can't agg pics the site says they are updating, so I will check back later to see if its ready.


Active Member
Well it seems they are done, it said 20 minutes. Anyway here are the new pics, I did not label them this time.



Well-Known Member
Looking good so far. Any updates on this sweet grow? I'd like to see a few more pics. of the Blue Mystic as I am looking into this strain. Thanks, BG.