Mixed Spectrum CFL for flowering?


I was wondering about the subject of mixed fluorescent lighting in small areas for maximum yeild and quality. So I'm thinking that for a small cfl micro grow of about 245 actual watts, perhaps at least one 42 watt 3000k and one 26 watt 6500k mixed with the rest in various wattages of 2700k would produce, tighter, more resin coated buds, than simply using only 2700k spectrum alone.

I've also read that UV light should be added in as well, being that in indoor gardens plants don't get it, and mixing 6500k spectrum in with a flowering setup can actually provide that for better resin production.

My hope after reading some of Roseman's great information on the subject in another recent post on the same matter, was that a setup such as the one I've mentioned above could produce the same as a 150 watt hps system and maybe just a touch better in a 12'x 18 inch area possibly approaching the 2-4 oz per harvest range ( according to strain, and plant numbers, growers experience...etc. of course) and allowing a few seeds to be grown as well...could this be possible, from what I'm reading? It definately seems so.

what's the consensus from our CFL experts here?

Im no expert but im using 3 2700k lights on my purple kush plant and its doing fine but my plant does also get some sunlight.


Well-Known Member
i've read through the mixed spectrum thoughts here, and they are reasonable, but there is a quirk i don't see mentioned all that often
different manufacturer's cfl's may have noticeably different spectrum's, 2700k isn't always the same thing from different bulb brands
at that point, i demur to the more experienced


Active Member
As you say, some flower with JUST 2700's others with a mix of 2700's and 64/500's but there doers not appear to any notable difference in the end result. I have tried both ways, ie all 2700's and a 'balance' of 2700's + some 6500's and noted no obvious advantage either way! I like to balance the spectrum so I keep with a few of the 'blues' in there. If you take a look at the latest pics in my thread you can see a shot of my CFL's. I just feel that the mix gives a very natural and balanced light.


thank you all for your responses. i definitely appreciate anyone who takes the time to add their thoughts. well then...looks like it's up to us to brave the new frontier and test these things out...i think i'm up to that challenge for sure.bongsmilie

take care my friends! and thank you again.
