Mixed too much nutes..what should i do?

I have recently started my first grow (SOG drip to waste in 85/15 coco/perlite LED)and once my clones were transplanted into their final pots, i went ahead and mixed up a barrel of 60 liter of nutes.
As this is my first time i didn't take into account the fact that my plants are still young and didn't need so much water...i barley used up 1/3 of my ressy!:wall:

Anyway, I wanted start a week of transition to 12/12 (starting from 18/6 and cutting the lights back 1 hour each day until i reach 12/12) starting tonight, and i wanted to know what you guys think i should do with my mixed nutes? According to GHE feeding schedule I'm supposed to switch nutes for transition (they say equal parts of all three at 980ppm, which comes to 1.3ml/liter of each).
So i can either dump what i have now and start from scratch (expensive), dump half and fill with RO and add nutes to correct (less expensive) Or keep feeding the same during transition and switch nutes next week.

btw, i have a strong air-stone and my res is lightproof so I'm not worried so much about the nutes going bad or anything, they are only a week old, plus i added a few drops of aquarium bacteria in there to keep things fresh)

so what are your guys thought on this? any insight would be appreciated :blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt dump it, take a bucket out and drop it by 18-20 litres and water it down. Dont feed them that high ppm yet. You can top off with the bucket of extra mix.
thx 2shim and ninja :)
ok so water it down got it! what ppm would you recommend for transition week? by the way my clones are 25 days old today (just realized it may seem from my post they are a week old...)does that change anything? they were getting 650 ppm this last week.


Well-Known Member
thx 2shim and ninja :)
ok so water it down got it! what ppm would you recommend for transition week? by the way my clones are 25 days old today (just realized it may seem from my post they are a week old...)does that change anything? they were getting 650 ppm this last week.
Im not familiar with drip feed systems but my soil and DWC both are at around 350 ppm at 25 days. 150 of that is my tap water and one drop per litre is calmagic and one drop a gallon of superthirive. Lower ppm is easier to fix than burnt plants and cheaper to run. If they are yellowing turn it up, if they are burning turn it down. With a nice big rez you have lots of room to play :)
Im not familiar with drip feed systems but my soil and DWC both are at around 350 ppm at 25 days. 150 of that is my tap water and one drop per litre is calmagic and one drop a gallon of superthirive. Lower ppm is easier to fix than burnt plants and cheaper to run. If they are yellowing turn it up, if they are burning turn it down. With a nice big rez you have lots of room to play :)
well my plants are looking very nice so far but ill take your advice and lower my ppms.
Also, what's your opinion on lucas formula? I was thinking of switching to that (even though i still have an almost full bottle of green) simply because it only calls for a change in the formula once (going from 6/9 to 0/9 at week 5), Since this is my first grow and i have no idea how big of a nute batch i will need to mix each week, im worried ill end up wasting a lot of nutes if i have to change the quantities each week. maybe Lucas is a good idea until i get all the other stuff dialed down? i can always adjust ppm either way by adding more RO water.