Mixing CFLs And HPS Lights


Well-Known Member
I have an HPS light now but started with a multibulb cfl rig. Im only using the HPS right now. Would adding the cfl lighting to the HPS make any difference. Im only asking because Im wondering what to do with this cfl rig I made.

If it wont do much more than add to my light bill....Ill pass and just run with the HPS. Just thought I could put the cfls in places that the HPS may not be able to reach. Worth a shot?


Well-Known Member
I thought about that...but when I switched to the HPS....I could never just do cfls only after seeing how the plants responded to the HPS. Oh well....I think I'll just hang on to them and use them for clone lighting or seedlings.


Active Member
i used 12 26w CFLs with a 1000w HPS light and i hade huge growth once i added the cfls!!!! use both and just remove the cfl's when your rdy to flower!! the cfl's will add more blue spectrum which will increase growth greatly. your bill shouldnt go up more than 20 a month and thats if you have a 1000w HPS lamp!! remember 3 CFLs use as much energy as 1 incandescent light bulb!!!