northeastern said:
Anyway I have a book from the seventy's or eighties called " Cannabis Alchemy" They have an article on ratios for mixing weed with hash. Gimme a bit and I'll dig it up.
That is exactly what I was after!
Kief + pressure and heat = hash
Gets better with age
Kief mixed with plant material and made into hash = crap.
Don't wreck your hash by mixing it with anything. Mix it years from now when it's time to smoke.
Sure the pure kief is more potent than kief mixed with weed pouder. But I am not talking about buying a gram of the stuff. If I purchased a gram of hash and it was mixed with so much weed that I could easily smoke it in a single bowl. I would say that hash was week.I am talking about turning my entire harvest in to a more potent, sortable, yet still smokeabe product. The pure pressed kief is a huge waste, if I pack a bowl of 100% kief about 75% of it is lost as resin as kief in my bong water. So when I smoke pure kief I alwayse mix it with weed so most of it does not go in the watter. When I smoke it with people they never say "crap" they tend to say really possitive things, so pre-mixing really should not be considered crap.
So the book is by D. Gold in case anyone was wondering. This is mostly about extracting the resin off the cannabis plant. Mostly in ISO. Way before the method of bubble hash was widly known.
Ok here we go
Hmm. I used to make hash oil with solvents and I decided I did not like the chemicals. I am kind of in to my heatlh. But that would create a extra sticky oil.
"Hashish may be prepared from the extracted cannabis oil by mixing it with finely powdered marijana. The oil may be in any stage of refinement... In order for the hashish to be the proper consistansy, a minumum of 15% oil must be used. This gives a product with the same consistancy as powdery moroccan or lebanese hashish. 50%-60% oil is the maxium amount of oil that can be used to give a product with hashish consistancy.This product will be very strong and resemble in appearance and consistancy the sticky, plyable CHARAS of Nepal and India..."
I'll get the how to powder the marijuana in a second.
So they are using up to 60/40 hash oil/powered weed.
Sounds awesome! thanks for sharing.
Wasn't to happy with the isolator hash from my previous harvest, so CHARAS definitely sounds good.
But what's an easy way to extract oil???
soak it in a solvent, filter, and evaporate. Google "hash oil" or "honey oil" I have used alchol, benzine, and butane. The benzine makes a super clean product but it is super toxic. The alchol is ok but you can start a fire boiling it and it seems impossible to get all of it out so the smoke is harsh. The butane is quick and eazy but butane is not made for producing food so who knows what is in it.
ok the powdering part is boring and everyone I'm sure can figure it out.
The mixing is facilitaed by first heating the dust and oil and then working them together in a large bowl, or by kneading the mass with the hands. Thin, flat hand-pressed patties like those from afganistan may be fashioned, or onr may mold clumps of "fingers" or round "temple balls" such as those found in nepal. Flat sheets and blocks may be formed by pressing the mixture between 2 heated plates in a vise..."
Cool!, mixing in a bowl. I will give it a try with kief and fine powded weed. I guess a small teflon bowl in my case. Hopefully this will work with kief to. You rock!