Mixing Nutrients


Hello everyone out there. Since I never used a CalMag I have a question. In what order should I mix my CalMag with my usual order which is Connoisseur Bloom then BigBud and B-52? I'm two days away from week 5 of flowering and I ran into calmag deficiencies. Caus my plants are bigger then usual. I'm using tap water but the problem is there anyway...CalMag is from Canna company. Enjoy your gardening lads!!!


I've just found some info...
While the directions of 3-5 mL are recommended Cal mag dosage on the label, if you’re using it as a preventative measure (rather than correcting an existing problem) then you can go with a weaker ratio such as 1 mL per gallon in soil and coco grows.
To me sounds about right.
Thanks for your reply. Keep up the good spirit