Mixing plants in same garden


Hello all,New guy here and just about to start my first indoor grow. I have lurked and read a few books on growing before I posted this question, hope like heck I didn't miss it! Anyway Is it ok to grow say a few pepper plants around my grow? Everything will be started from seeds. My main concern would be the pollen from the pepper plants, you think theywould affect my females? The reason why I am mixing things up is kinda stupid but since this is an indoor grow, I want to keep my younger son's eyes off the MJ.If I cannot mix plants up for concealment then I would have to come up with a way to lock/secure the grow room (Secret Jardin btw)Thanks for making it through my first post and I appreciate any/all input from you all.johnjohn


Well-Known Member
No, pepper pollen will not touch your ladies at all.. only things that can truly pollinate your ladies would be other cannabis/hemp. As for things more likely to blend in, you can dodge the 'look' of cannabis if you get your hands on some seeds of the ducksfoot strain.


Cool, kinda what I was thinking but you never know. Thanks for the advice on the ducksfoot, I do remember reading about that. Gonna google and see what looks like


Well-Known Member
Nature has a way of preventing interbreeding of different species. Like they say, "it's like breeding elephants. A lot of trumpeting and crap and it takes 2 years to get results".

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
No, pepper pollen will not touch your ladies at all.. only things that can truly pollinate your ladies would be other cannabis/hemp. As for things more likely to blend in, you can dodge the 'look' of cannabis if you get your hands on some seeds of the ducksfoot strain.
did you ever see the plant bmeat had....he somehow crossed it with a basil plant.....not saying this is normal or could ever be reproduced again but somehow he did it.

but agree....no worries about the pepper plant

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
did you ever see the plant bmeat had....he somehow crossed it with a basil plant.....not saying this is normal or could ever be reproduced again but somehow he did it.

but agree....no worries about the pepper plant
no, cannabis does not cross with basil.

thats just retarded.

somebody is fucking with you.


Well-Known Member
did you ever see the plant bmeat had....he somehow crossed it with a basil plant.....not saying this is normal or could ever be reproduced again but somehow he did it.

but agree....no worries about the pepper plant
That wasn't even cannabis, couldn't have been as it would have been basil x aloe vera with something else.. genetic improbability.


Well-Known Member
Im growing sweat peas, parsley, african violets, and an orchid in my tent. as well as some auto flowering cannabis and some photoperiod cannabis. its a garden in my closet!


Well-Known Member
I use the spaces along the wall in my flower room for all my vegetable seedlings. I have tomatoes, peppers and broccoli starts in 12/12. In early spring, the veggies don't get much more light than that anyway. They seem to like it.


Well-Known Member
hmm never heard of photoperiod cannibis. Time for more reading!
photoperiod is just regular weed, that needs a change in light cycle or "photoperiod" to induce flowering. as oposed to autoflowering weed which flowers regardless of light cycle.