you are incorrect sirtechnically no, not with the new charge packs from down to earth.
exactly what nugs said, any soil i've ever bought is pretty moist. Even after i mixed mine it was still very moist and with knowledge of mycology and how mycelium develops too much moisture is not good. after you mix it wait a day or two and see how much condensation is on the lid of your cans. if none then id add water, its easier just to add then it is to let it dry a bit especially after there's a shit ton in cans. also it mentions nothing on about adding water and like subcool said about a hundred times dioxide did his homework with down to earth and they know what they're talking about. its a different recipe with different ratios. they also say that you need to only cook it for 30 days instead of 8 wks like subs. are the fertilizers more soluble in the new charge pack? only can answer that. and just because you have geek in your name doesnt mean you know everything, try harder next time to not come off as a pompous know it all.i had fuzz in 2 days bro and didn't add any extra "mycos" or anything.