Mixing your own nutrient solutions in Canada


thanks for the links lots of reading to do now lol but im getting the idea ... would like to see some pics of stuff grow with your own nutes interested in how flavor will come out...
Unless you have some sort of mineral buildup, it should always come out tasting fine. The main factor in your smoke quality will be your drying/curing method.

The chemicals you're providing to the plants are identical to the one organic fertilizers provide, the only difference is bacteria has to process the organic fertilizer first for you. You're skipping that step here by just adding the chemicals the bacteria would excrete.

So in the end it's really an identical process for the plant either way, the only difference is with organics you can't control exactly how much the bacteria are processing.
With chemicals you can add precise amounts to maximize growth. These precise amounts allow you to better circumvent this law.


Which states that plant growth is limited by the scarcest resource, which with chemical fertilizers, you can precisely add in until it's no longer a limiting factor. Or until you hit maximum genetic potential!


Well-Known Member
thanks for the links lots of reading to do now lol but im getting the idea ... would like to see some pics of stuff grow with your own nutes interested in how flavor will come out...
this is my current grow grown with my own mixture of nutes, all my grows are made this way, I can show you more about how I do it if interested ;)



this is my current grow grown with my own mixture of nutes, all my grows are made this way, I can show you more about how I do it if interested ;)
Almost perfect mixture indeed zem! Very nice! Very vibrantly green shiny leaves. Healthy healthy plants. The buds look amazing already. And best of all with chemicals, you'll get that result everytime if you stick with the same strain you formulated it for. By the way, which strain is that zem?

I also said "same strain as the mixture was formulated for" because you will find that if you switch plants, they may need more or less NPK. But you can usually make a generally decent all purpose mix for just experimenting with a bunch of strains under similar conditions.

Sorry no pictures here, besides being a firm disbeliever in cameras, and smart phones, and facebook... I'm also currently in between houses, which SUCKS. Ever had to buy your medicine? I'm so sick of hearing the word KUSH.

I know a friend though with a really gnarly coco-perlite grow, in 2L pop bottles, with large holes cut into the bottom so the roots can flow out.
The lighting he's using is amazing also, just random 75w flood lights he had on hand. And he trims the leaves from 7 down to 3, seems to have a great effect on bushing out the plants.

Otherwise it's an ugly ugly grow, with surprisingly nice plants, I'll see if I can get a pic off him.


Well-Known Member
Im interested in testing :) and have room to experiment at the moment so if i like the result i could easily be down to change over making my own if the end product at least matches what im getting in yield, potency, and clean smoke ...

so i understand what youre saying in comparison to organic about it basically being the same process down at the root zone where the absorption of nutrients is actively happening. i follow but seeing is believing always ;)

thank you for the pictures that is definately encouraging if you look back on my posts you can see some of my work definitely interested

by the way this is my current formla..
parts of botanicare line: pure blend pro grow /bloom, liquid karma, hydroplex, sweet, clearex,
advanced: bud blood, b52, sensizyme, tarantula, voodoo, piranaha, wetbetty(foliar)

i want to add big bud until i find a replacement so i have amino acids in flower and play around with the stuff in bud factor x and overdrive but idk can do with out the last two. i dont expect to grow bacteria or get enzymes but the rest i imagine can be made another way.. how about i start with a veg? Im most interested in increasing my veg times right now...still reading off those forums and links thanks agian yall

edit: im also interested in which things will destroy micro life in the rootzone... i slowly added things after asking shops and reps about what products may kill roots.. just saying


Im interested in testing :) and have room to experiment at the moment so if i like the result i could easily be down to change over making my own if the end product at least matches what im getting in yield, potency, and clean smoke ...

so i understand what youre saying in comparison to organic about it basically being the same process down at the root zone where the absorption of nutrients is actively happening. i follow but seeing is believing always ;)

thank you for the pictures that is definately encouraging if you look back on my posts you can see some of my work definitely interested

by the way this is my current formla..
parts of botanicare line: pure blend pro grow /bloom, liquid karma, hydroplex, sweet, clearex,
advanced: bud blood, b52, sensizyme, tarantula, voodoo, piranaha, wetbetty(foliar)

i want to add big bud until i find a replacement so i have amino acids in flower and play around with the stuff in bud factor x and overdrive but idk can do with out the last two. i dont expect to grow bacteria or get enzymes but the rest i imagine can be made another way.. how about i start with a veg? Im most interested in increasing my veg times right now...still reading off those forums and links thanks agian yall

edit: im also interested in which things will destroy micro life in the rootzone... i slowly added things after asking shops and reps about what products may kill roots.. just saying
All that AN stuff you'll end up mixing yourself. And with much better quality ingredients. Some of those things are simply one chemical that we've already listed.
And AN is currently being accused by 3 states of using cheap mineral salts in their mixtures.

Which calls for an impromptu fertilizer lesson. Chemical fertilizer salts are derived mainly from steel mills. As you melt down all that ore in the furnace, you get slag coming to the top. Well it's really many different layers depending on density when heated, but the basic principal is metal sinks, slag floats, and you scrape off the slag to get pure metal.

Now that slag is full of all sorts of things, mainly it's a bunch of leftover concentrated minerals that used to be spread over a large area in the ground.
Now that they're all in 1 place, they just take the slag and separate it. Basically just by heating it again, letting in separate into layers, taking off the layers they want.

There's probably a few other processes now, maybe centrifuges to help separation, but as far as I know it's as simple as just heating it up and taking off the layers, over and over, until you have no impurities left.

Well AN allegedly gets the cheap stuff that hasn't quite been purified yet. And so it has all those other elements that are present in nature, that you don't really want to have sitting around in large amounts. ie. Arsenic, Lead, Mercury, Cadmium... Just all that bad stuff you don't want in your plants.

Seriously half that stuff you have you'll probably replace with a few simple things like, magnesium sulfate (epsom salts), monopotassium phosphate, and nitric acid (if you can get it).

Clearex is also just black-strap molasses in water, or so I'm told. The idea being the carbohydrates adding extra sugars to the plants... well AN's idea. I haven't seen any information anywhere to verify this allegation, or the vitamin B1-B2 stuff.


Here is 1 pic I was able to get.

This is a 1 month old BC God Bud grown from seed in 50/50 coir/perlite in a 2L pepsi bottle, using a heavily modified "Lucas Forumla"
As you can see it's pretty healthy :) Those leaves are about the size of your hand (palm with fingers!)
Unfortunately it wasn't mixed from scratch, but you can see that chemical fertilizers are able to produce healthy plants.

So far it's only shown some nitrogen deficiencies, as most will until you figure out exactly how much nutrients they need.
This BC God Bud needs a ton, but it seems to be a very aggressive, quick growing phenotype. Which is as important a factor as nutrients, having a good phenotype!

God Bud has 4, and this seems to be the best one luckily! The other 3 phenotypes are supposed to be for a red one with lots of buds, and 2 sativa dominant ones, but this is the indica dominant, short growing, potent one!

