mj 1000 leaking majorly modded farm


Well-Known Member
so i hook my mj1000 up to 4 drip rings,, and my pipes at the tees all leaking drips, there so tight i cant pull em appart i cut em off ..

im guessing due to preassure... how can i reduce preasure without untieing all my halo rings? would adding cross connector and a stop tap returing to res work right where they split, ?

line goes pump>>pipe>>T (each side of the T has a T feeding 2 halos, ) if i replaced the T so i can go straight into a stop tap to res ?

( my system if anyone wants to know is crazy fun, 185l rez wilma, top trays added where pots go and drilled for 3.5inch, dropped net pots into the rez, added a helia v60 and 8 golf balls, 2mj 1000 feeding 8 halo rings, and a mj1000 recirculating its a TF-DWC hot tub, topped with a 2.4x1.2m scrog net and 2x 600w pulling 1.5gpw
Drill a SMALL hole in the pipe, at water level, while it's still in the rez. It will relieve some pressure and aerate the soluation a bit. Increase the hole size as necessary.