MJ saves the day !


Well-Known Member
So... two days ago, my GF's vehicle had some ice break her windshield...so yesterday, we were down getting an estimate, at the local dealer... On way home, we need to go somewhere else? Go get something? Naw... lets go home and smoke a bowl...
Great choice, because, the elderly woman next door [84], as she was pulling in her driveway... got her snow boot, stuck under her brake pedal, and as she tried to get it out, she punched her gas, and drove through the back of her garage. GF was looking out window, and saw the whole thing, I had just gone to check plants, and I heard "Come quick... M**** has just driven through her garage..." The garage looked fine, and if GF had not been looking out, we could not see her inside of garage from our place, without an eye witness, SHIT! she was caved in upon... her door blocked, she couldn't get out....Dug her out... She was fine, without any physical damage, her little old foreign car might be totaled,,, ....and, it's what I always say...
MJ saves the day! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Interesting, I heard M**** tell the Policeman taking report, that she hit gas by accident, and she thought she was in reverse....
So, even old broads will fib to ya... We saw what happened..... Ha... Po-po N da Chief, EMT's, Firemen's, tow truck driver n helper... all were hanging round, looking, and strutting....ha... should have invited them in for a spell.... Come on back now... It be goooooooood............................