MMAR people be careful

It’s the cops I have a hard time trusting. They see the date, loose there shit and it’s down hill from there. I’m only acmpr because the injunction doesn’t help me.
all I have had to do when being asked is provide the pinks...and I did
,when it came to one of them saying the dates has expired I have just said of course they are,they have been since the start of the mmpr,
so really all it has taken.... is a calm explanation about the differences between MMAR and MMPR and ACMPR. and the knowledge that
only two of the three are still valid. those being MMAR and ACMPR....only dates occurring between those two are now invalid and also the MMAR's that were left outs in the first court case.
The assumption is that the leftouts who still needed meds joined the ACMPR once the MMPR became null and void
If you are MMAR and you go into the ACMPR to find a new grower....does that mean you have zero protections from the MMAR rulings made by Phelan or do you still belong to both?
Since the address of the DG is tied to the paperwork I would think they would have to both belong to the ACMPR...However...I wouldn't abandon your pinks yet...though..especially if you had the right to grow for yourself under the MMAR.
I feel the main reason for the big envelope mail-out was that HC was about to lose all the info on the MMAR patients or at least Access to it.
They came up with a way to run an assembly line of these envelopes.... while the video'd it from above, and essentially created a data base on video
of all of our addresses, which they would then have to use as a record for continued enforcement. once the MMPR came into effect.

Hc was willing to risk our privacy because they knew the judges would make that off limits due to privacy concerns.
I feel the main reason for the big envelope mail-out was that HC was about to lose all the info on the MMAR patients or at least Access to it.
They came up with a way to run an assembly line of these envelopes.... while the video'd it from above, and essentially created a data base on video
of all of our addresses, which they would then have to use as a record for continued enforcement. once the MMPR came into effect.

Hc was willing to risk our privacy because they knew the judges would make that off limits due to privacy concerns.
I outsmarted them without knowing it, then. My grow was at a different address than my residence...and both have changed several times since then.
Can I steer the conversation towards the class action then? We're almost at 4 years of waiting. How much longer do we have to wait before we either take the feds to whatever level of federal court the class action would need to be heard or how much longer till we're offered a settlement? I don't think we're at 4 years yet but it's getting darn close to that. I want too see something come of this...
They will /can take pretty much as long as the process will allow...and I'm not sure what kinda timelines are normal for this kinda thing...but
the general rule is they take "forever" ...
Ya Its one of those things you hope you live long enough to see happen....
Can I steer the conversation towards the class action then? We're almost at 4 years of waiting. How much longer do we have to wait before we either take the feds to whatever level of federal court the class action would need to be heard or how much longer till we're offered a settlement? I don't think we're at 4 years yet but it's getting darn close to that. I want too see something come of this...
Notices should go out by the end of the year.
What's going to be in the notice? Another we met and talked and agreed to talk some more in 6 months time? Check back then? I'm frustrated that this is taking so darn long. These lawyers are going to make hundreds of millions in dollars. I wonder if a person has to be a lawyer to own a law firm? That'd be the thing to do if you had some money. Hire your own people and start non stop class action after class action against the federal government for the problems they've allowed to continue.
How about some actual details?
i was using the Canada Post tracking # waiting for my first shipment from my DG it was on route then suddenly it said it was being held for investigation. So I contacted Canada Post and was put through to investigations where I was told they found a illegal substance being sent to me I explained to them that is was my meds which I was allowed to have legally and the shipper was my DG and he was legally allowed to ship to me under the MMAR. the Investigator told me that they did not care if it was legal or not they had the right to destroy it. well I kinda lost it on her and said what if it was your grand fathers heart Meds. she said she did not care so I said no wonder people go postal and she said sir now I have to call the RCMP because that sounds like a threat. and I said you do whatever you feel you have to do and hung up the phone. Then I took out my drivers lic. and grabbed my Pinks took nothing else and hid a house key outside and sat in a lawn chair on my front side walk it only took about 15 minutes for the Rcmp to show up. He asked me what was going on and I told him the whole story He already new I had my Pinks as did my grower and said he just had to make sure of my mental stability asked a few Questions then said I should find better words to express my frustrations. He said he would do what he could on my behalf but could not promise any thing as the Post Master General had more powers than he did. Wished me luck and left 2 days later My package was at my post office freshly wrapped in Canada Post paper. when I weighed it though it was 12 grams short. never had a problem again with Canada Post and my shipments have never been short again. This was all about 6 years ago. seen that cop about 2 months later and he asked me how it all worked out I told him it came 2 days after I last seen him. he just said I'm glad it all worked out.
Someone we know in Ontario down Toronto way
just got raided a few days ago
his girl friend was taken to jail and was in a holding cell
it took HC two days to verify..everything had been chopped down
and returned to them..they now have a 3000$ lawyers bill
its my duty to tell you this
its hard for the law to know whats actually going on..
and HC response is less than immediate
the suggestion someone made months ago to also get your acmpr is not unfounded
Thanks for the heads up...I really appreciate that dude?!?!

So, the person that this happened to reached out to me, and he indeed did get raided. Suffice to say, what OMS posted is accurate (again, thanks for the heads up), but these things will happen when popo knows you’re abusing your MMAR.

Keep your circle tight...nuff said!
What's going to be in the notice? Another we met and talked and agreed to talk some more in 6 months time? Check back then? I'm frustrated that this is taking so darn long. These lawyers are going to make hundreds of millions in dollars. I wonder if a person has to be a lawyer to own a law firm? That'd be the thing to do if you had some money. Hire your own people and start non stop class action after class action against the federal government for the problems they've allowed to continue.
Yeah, it won't say much. It will be 4 years on Dec.11 so I hope they at least give an expected court date.This decade would be nice, but don't hold your breath!
Thanks for the heads up...I really appreciate that dude?!?!

So, the person that this happened to reached out to me, and he indeed did get raided. Suffice to say, what OMS posted is accurate (again, thanks for the heads up), but these things will happen when popo knows you’re abusing your MMAR.

Keep your circle tight...nuff said!
Sounds like something was amiss.....hmmmm....