Mmma - stay away!!!

I didnt see any violence from any of these posters banned. some were not supporting either candidate, some stating both are bad players. this wasnt an anti trump play it was a pro hillary play?

is there a name for a forum using itself to collect money in order to promote a particular political candidate?
I remember some guy talking about doing something rather violent to another member and he got banned by zap. That wasn't one of the guys here. I was just wondering if it might have been something like that. I can't tell because all their posts were deleted. And yes the admin on the site was/is very pro hilary and I lost most respect from him after reading some of his Hilary posts. Hilary and trump are both not fit for America IMO. At least we can keep a gun with Donald for when the riots and looting starts. Lol
I've certainly had some issues, my fault typically, not misjudging really but desperation, to save genetics, prevent plant kill off, etc. I just wont risk one extra plant, one extra gram etc, and in my perpetually harvested cycle i need patients to do what they said they'd do. when they dont, I fire them and replace them immediately.
I've got a star interviewing system that shows the knuckleheads usually before registration.
after registration patients never visit me, I meet them, home or whatever. All retired, disabled, no work woes, no unhappy people allowed here. I stick with the cool cats of yesteryear, my kind of people, back when you could believe that every mj users was cool.

used to think that....till I registered my first patients!!
Yeah I've had issues when it first became legal here and I took on patients. I blame myself for being desperate as well. I think it's always good to develop a close relationship with patients. After the weeding process things have been much better for me. It's nice when everyone compliments and no one complains.
Did y'all really get banned for just posting opposing polital views? Or was it threats of violence? I have posted some crazy shit their under another account and have not been banned. But I have not posted anything pro trump so idk.
Right here..banned for political views. Never a violent comment posted from me, although MANY directed at me. They simply could not handle someone posting in favor of trump with numbers, different reports, and other sides of stories that conflicted with thier narrative. Period.
You can get banned for violent commends? shit i might be next but i did say them all jokingly. You know who is really violent as fuck? Mother nature. She can be mean and has no emotion about it whatsoever.
Man that ZAP and Resto are a couple of losers... They Hate CBD what trash I hope they ban my account overthere... . How ya pergamum and phaq ?? You guys are not missing much being banned..
phaq's got banned from here too, can you believe it? dunno why he didnt create another sock for visits and more raucous though, hope he's alright, well, as right as he ever was...buwaahhaaaa:lol:
nothing is as it appears
Man that ZAP and Resto are a couple of losers... They Hate CBD what trash I hope they ban my account overthere... . How ya pergamum and phaq ?? You guys are not missing much being banned..
Been good. Yah..i read the thread i thing you are refering too. Hilarious man..just hilarious. It was almost enough to make me make a new account, since i have a new ip address, and chime in. Referencing testing standards from 5 PLUS years cant make this stuff up. Thought it was just a hoot, someone with no experience with cbd..acting like an expert on cbd..was no surpise tho..there all experts , no matter the topic there.
Legal connection/product launch/liability+sudden cbd hate= $
gotta watch those types, always a motivation in disguise.......wise guys. :finger:
they used to make dozens of posts glorifying cbd
and its users in the past. well, probably not........ edited by now.
time to gather more unsuspecting paid memberships only
to revoke and steal their fees with a perma ban. gotta love a good racket I guess. seen many in my time.
Been good. Yah..i read the thread i thing you are refering too. Hilarious man..just hilarious. It was almost enough to make me make a new account, since i have a new ip address, and chime in. Referencing testing standards from 5 PLUS years cant make this stuff up. Thought it was just a hoot, someone with no experience with cbd..acting like an expert on cbd..was no surpise tho..there all experts , no matter the topic there.
Resto also said people are overdosing on THC lol