Mmmmmmm Bagels


New Member
I won't kid myself into calling this a recipe but it's good enough to make me eat breakfast. In the past i have tried a few canna foods, brownies, cookies and shit but always stuff made with canna butter. I never really cared for them much, the green taste was not for me.

However i have a sub par batch of iso hash sitting around, it soaked to long and pulled out a little more then i wanted. I always make my iso more user friendly by adding dry screened keif to partially solidify it. Far easier to work with this way, and tastes way better then adding leaves.

But i didn't wanna smoke this stuff as it soaked to long and was a little dark for me. Well i took a gram of it and threw it in a shot glass with a few slices of butter [real butter, YOU DESERVE IT] and nuked it till it all melted. I then buttered a bagel with it, YUM.

I'm sure you could use it any way you want. While this wasn't my idea by any means [got it from someone on RIU] I really liked the hash butter. Seems to taste WAY better then the canna butter I'm used to. So if ya don't normally like canna foods due to the taste try it. Hash butter is much milder, i could even still taste the bagel.



Well-Known Member
There are many ways to eliminate the extra taste from the cannabis
from your foods, although I don't because most of my customers like the added hemp flavour.


Active Member
If you use the cannabutter method in which you boil the water, butter, and bud together- the thc disolves into the butter, and the chlorophyll and most of the bud flavor disolves into the water. Then you put it in the fridge until the butter solidifies on top.


New Member
yeah i have done the water canna butter thing before, maybe i fucked up somehow, and i did of course strain it, but it was a pale green color when i was done. Still taste like grass to me, the hash butter had none of that "green" taste to it that im assuming is cused by the chlorophyl