Update 11/09/2014:
To trial we go. they offered my diversion after being there multiple times showing them what they had asked for. They told me if I provided sufficient medical documentation that the charges would be dropped. But instead they offered diversion and now want to go to trial because I refuse to accept the diversion and do the hours they offered. I feel as if accepting their offer would be an admission to guilt.
Though in all honesty, this isn't about me and beating my case anymore - this is about patients being at risk. I was given the opportunity to make a difference for others and I'm taking it. This will keep reoccuring if people keep letting it. Someone has to fight and make the changes that are necessary. Whether or not I am the one to do it I hope others see the issues and bring them forward to those who may be able to influence some sort of change. We have the power to make a difference and make things better.
Have you contacted norml and all the other bigger compassion clubs?
Call around to all the big name lawyers that are fighting those highly publicized cases right now.
Have you contacted all the newspapers and tv stations?
Cant believe theres not some loudmouth reporter all over this.
Wheres jojo chinto when u need him
Hey "THCninja" sorry for the doubts on the thread. The OPs name is Anthony and he did a interview with Jason Wilcox about being detained by York Regional Police Service. Wilcox posted this video with Anthony about a week ago. Get the justice you deserve!
I've been able to push back my deciding date to November 5th and that is my last chance to accept their offer or take it to trial.
I have not, but will. thank you.have you researched jury nullification????
The reason in which I was prescribed was for my scoliosis. I also use Cannabis to help lesson my anxietes. I was well behaved and the security guard made note of that to the police. I was granted permission to be cuffed in the front... my friend not so lucky.May I ask want your medical condition is? I argue that if you were a diabetic and needed to inject yourself what leg would any leo have to stand on? Did you get mouthy? I just feel like I'm missing something here.
in the brief conversation I have with turmel he informed me he was not a lawyer and couldn't represent me. gave me some forms to fill out but was too much to comprehend at the time. I need to be able to properly argue an unlawful search.... if they recognized my documentation as they should the scenario would not have progressed any further.Lawyer Lawyer Lawyer.
Hopefully someone here with a connection to one of our best weed Lawyer's will get this guy the help he need's. This is so outrageous it's hard to believe.
Isn't there someone in the Toronto area that will tackle this. It's seems a precedent setter. And good publicity for any Lawyer who does these cases.
Have you contacted any other newspapers like the Sun or Post?
Is Turmel local ??
I wouldn't be pleading guilty. by accepting the offer and completing the hours I will have my charges dropped. basically meaning no risk.You still have a few days. If your financial situation allows it, I would contact legal aid. See if they will provide you a lawyer. If not, they might be able to point you in the right direction.
But I really don't recommend pleading guilty to something you didn't do just because the crown is being obtuse.