probably correct in that thinking. At 2.50 and 1.50 they'll never let them have a licence, Not nearly as much revenue off anything that cheap... at the start anyway. Even at these prices they could/will make a killing. HC has ideas of grander though...and sick people get in their way!unfortunately we are forced into this system. i never had a grow permit so it isn't a huge change for me. but i can understand the patients who are upset, and can't afford their meds. that must be a terrible situation to be in. and then for those who can afford it, there have only been two LP's so far that have sold anything worth paying for. there are producers who have their hearts in the right place, but i feel like HC isn't interested in those because with the pricing they offer (Maclachlan's is offering 2.50/g trimmed and 1.50 untrimmed), the smaller LP's don't have as much to offer them as far as tax revenue and the like. but for the ones who have the right idea, props for wanting to make a difference, and i am interested in getting involved in the industry. that being said, people who are on disability and under a certain income should be able to produce their own, plain and simple. i mean everyone should be able too, but the seriously sick and low-income should come first IMO.
They state that loud and clear on their web page. Just in a round about way