Mobb boss and agent orange


Active Member
Mobb boss are 2 weeks into veg from clone. Agent orange are 1 week in. Tell me experience with the boss and orange and your outcome. Any info would help.



Well-Known Member
it varies a lot it would appear but the yield isn't bad. Not even really sure of any numbers. There are bigger yielders but what the mob boss lacks in yield it certainly makes up for in quality.


Active Member
I'm planning on putting these out in the sun next week. Hopefully it's not too late in the season to let them do there stuff out doors


Well-Known Member
This will maybe give you a better idea on the yield part. The first photo would be like 3 mob boss in a igloo cooler, dwc, on the left side of the photo only . The second photo is mob boss being starved in coco, it was chopped shortly after the photo.



Well-Known Member
seems like it's been a pretty shitty year where I'm from for outs, I don't grow outdoors other than peppers and shit , they aren't doing real well but as well as can be expected with this odd weather.


Well-Known Member
Thanks,fairly easy grow too. I actually crossed one I had up with another unknown male that turned out triploid, got a few hundred seed that seem to grow nice. You can tell it took after the father somewhat but it frosts up early just like the mob boss.