How about your own forum here at roll it up?...
I have my own forum which I can moderate. It's over at Riddle3m's site, an invitation site only which keeps the smart asses and trouble makers out. My forum there is called
"Hangin' with Uncle Ben". There is no arguing, no mud slinging, and few newbs. The newbs that do show are respectful and show some class. They are there to learn, not taunt and act like some 16 year old street punk.
Has a few cool goodies which are never locked down from editing like they are here, like my topping thread. I can edit this FAQ at any time there. Nice!
Q - Is your technique effective with a clone?
A - Only if the cutting (clone) has opposing nodes. Don't expect to get 2 or 4 main colas if the nodes are alternating. You're manipulating the plant's hormonal processes aka "apical dominance". The plant will redistribute the auxins equally to dormant foliar buds.
Q - Will this work on a landrace, indica OR sativa, and what about hybrids?
A - The hormonal processes, redistribution of auxins, work the same whether you have a sativa, afghan (indica) or your typical mutt.
Q - Can I cut above the 3rd or 4th node?
A - You can, but you won't get the same effect regarding bulked up main colas. I came up with this simple technique in order to increase main cola production from 1..... to 2 or 4. If you want alot of bud sites and a bushier plant, then top at say.....the 8th node, but, that's not my technique as described.
Q - I don't want to stress my plants. How long will this set my plants back?
A - There is no stress involved like underwatering a plant or giving it too much heat or light. They will respond with new output where the leaf petiole attaches to the "trunk" within 24 hours. If not, you have a cultural issue that you need to address.
Q - You say to wait until the plant has 5-6 nodes before topping. Why?
A - That is only a guide to insure you have an established, well growing plant with a good root system. 3 nodes or 8, it's your call.
Q - Can I root the cutting?
A - Of course.
Q - What's a node??
A - Get outta here!