modular overkill led striplight build

soil plant is now on 12/12 since a day.
quite pleased so far, very little work, very healthy plants.
if this continues i ask myself why all the work with cocos when it can be done way easier.
really curious, if this auto pliot grow going to give nice buds, results are open.
while looking dam healthy so far, for pretty much doing nothing other then train the plant a bit.
soil plant is doing very good so far.
lets see how long this continues.
not blasting them now, but increasing the light intensity.

cocos plants are ok, but could have done better nutrient wise.
runoff was over 2 for some time and especially number 2 didnt took it well.
they produce, should be fine.
and this no.1 is prob worth to be growen again.
neither blasting these too heavy, maybe 230W in total now
not the run to test much with higher intensities.
the gelato in soil is doing well, stressfree grow.
getting a 150W 3000k and 660nm red (plus a little 365nm UVA), giving about 600ppfd at the tops in this 86x86cm tent.

the do sweet dos are ok also, could have done better with the nutrients.
prob overfed them a bit, runoff quite a bit over EC2 is never working good for me, asking myself why i still try it, number one looks underfed but i guess its more a slight lockout.
enviroment is quite good, beeing 25-30c and 55-60% RH, co2 is about 600 most of the time.
tallest tops are seeing over 900ppfd lowest still 600, 250W in total, plus a bit UVA and i have some red buddies running.
need to run the do sweet dos again.
hard to pick a favorite, number 2 3 and 4 are developing fater buds atm then 1.
no.1 is pale but stinky and will finish first it seems.
2 is very compact with a lot budsites and a nice smell.
4 is the shooting star with most sativa in it, less colas but they develop well.
most frost also, but least smell.
3 is very fine, but it was the smalest first and take the least real estate.
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soil plant is doing quite good, hungry for P it seem.
interesting to learn this grow style again.
about 180W now, 700ppfd.

cocos plants suffered a bit under my nutrient regime but will yield.
also found a good producer with no.4.
no.1 fell back quite a bit, while its the sitnkiest and furthest ahead, quite astonished how far she is, even she suffered the most, or cause she suffered, idk.
prob going to grow no.1 and 4 again, will see if i can do better with no.1 then this run.
soil plant is doing quite good, hungry for P it seem.
interesting to learn this grow style again.
about 180W now, 700ppfd.
View attachment 5010674
View attachment 5010675

cocos plants suffered a bit under my nutrient regime but will yield.
also found a good producer with no.4.
no.1 fell back quite a bit, while its the sitnkiest and furthest ahead, quite astonished how far she is, even she suffered the most, or cause she suffered, idk.
prob going to grow no.1 and 4 again, will see if i can do better with no.1 then this run.
View attachment 5010676
The second pic... what an ocean of lovely buds you have :D
one week more in for the Gelato in soil.P1050182.JPG
P deficiency is creeping in a bit, i hope the 1-10-1 bat guano will help.
prob maxed this tent out with the light intensity also, am above 210W now there.


Do Sweet Dos plants in cocos still need quite some time.
not much changes here, no.1 smells great while producing not much.
no.4 is producing great and is very frosty but missing the smell.
2 and 4 are pretty indicaish, very dense buds and compact stature, spicy smell, while not very sweet.


  • P1050184.JPG
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its really hard to see on the picture, top canopy is well, but lowers showing it.
there is one of these dryed spots P def leaf just in in the front on the above picture, you may spot it.
well of course i could be wrong, but its really this

not showing any other deficiencies much, maybe 3 or 4 leaves with a mild Mg chlorosis, while that could be light related too.
well, to some degree its normal anyway, the plant do good, just try to analyze what could be done better.

yea, guano is prob slow, i added guano allready 1-2 weeks ago, need to develop a feeling for it.
wasnt overly precise with it, more a tablespoon on top here and there thing.
only stuff i will feed from now is likely some organic vinasse based 3-2-5 tomato food which should be quick acting (at least the N and K portion).
youre using guano? if yes when and how much?
its really hard to see on the picture, top canopy is well, but lowers showing it.
there is one of these dryed spots P def leaf just in in the front on the above picture, you may spot it.
well of course i could be wrong, but its really this

not showing any other deficiencies much, maybe 3 or 4 leaves with a mild Mg chlorosis, while that could be light related too.
well, to some degree its normal anyway, the plant do good, just try to analyze what could be done better.

yea, guano is prob slow, i added guano allready 1-2 weeks ago, need to develop a feeling for it.
wasnt overly precise with it, more a tablespoon on top here and there thing.
only stuff i will feed from now is likely some organic vinasse based 3-2-5 tomato food which should be quick acting (at least the N and K portion).
youre using guano? if yes when and how much?
Check out guanokalong products buddy u can't burn it's perfect and throws heavy yi3lds lol. I see what ya mean didn't notice it. Could be some cal mg they are the controllers and regulators to all other npk and leds pull them harder but also need to meet 27c minimum to utilise their availability I go 29c and feels better . I trow crab she'll crushed by hand in get it for my chicken food it has bits of meat left so has the new worms love it. I read my worms if there slow there not happy i act . Mines purple and fast run away so soils good. Lol

Neem and kelp are key nitrogen and non hot and worms poo fixfixes everything it's proven better than any manure or good nutrients it's amazing stuff make a slurry up and topdressing it all issues are fixed . Fulvic n silica coconut green water for enzymes and MBP every 10 days
guano is nice stuff, yes, just hard to find recomended dosages.
youre right it seems to be not very hard to the plants and a tablespoon seems to be nothing.
i prob forgot to mention that i top dressed wom castings allready several times, rich in Ca and Mg.
the bat guano i use also contains 10% Ca and Mg each.
my organic fertilizer pellets are also 1.5% Mg.
i use a mix of RO and calcium rich tap water plus a dash epsom salt just to bring the EC over 0.2.
overall, she should be fine with magnesium and i never have calcium problems.
she sawn quite some kelp also, its in pretty much everything.
do have some fulvic on the shelf, but in the worm castings are tons of humics allready.
she reacts quite nice always on the vinasse/kelp/rockmeal tomato food, shes easily eating bottlecaps full of it wothout any signs of burn.

i do tax her quite a bit with the light, am over what i would give usually.
temps are fine.
its just a 7 gallon soill, 3 gallon more wouldnt had been bad maybe.
and saying all this, the plant is doing really good overall so far, smell is lovely.
when you have chicken, do you use their manure? it should be good stuff as you prob know.

i do have neem on my list if i recycle the soil or i maybe mix me some kinda supersoil.
lucerne is high on my list also especially for the triacontanol, many nice things out there.
when you have chicken, do you use their manure? it should be good stuff as you prob know.

i do have neem on my list if i recycle the soil or i maybe mix me some kinda supersoil.
lucerne is high on my list also especially for the triacontanol, many nice things out there.
Nice man. Gona start feeding my worms chicken shit there getting stronger.
Could feed guano to ya wormbin.
With all that it's mad a def. Can even be there lol. I'd be careful adding u sounds like u have a good knowledge any how and ur soil should be fertile as with worms hehe.
Love ya grow so uniform under that
thanks, not much practical knowledge in regards to organics but i am going to try a bit.

ive read several times people recomending chiken manure, its just a lil hot in Ca.
not having a wormbin in my flat, so need to buy some shit.
plan for next grow,
90L starter soil (peat, perlite, lime, very little fert),
plus 10-20% worm castings.
plus maybe 1kg 5-3-7 + 1.5 Mg organic fert pellets (quite complete stuff with kelp n all),
1kg chicken manure 4.5-3-2.5 + 5 Ca
maybe 0.5-1kg neem 2-0.6-2 as it seems to be good stuff while not having gnats or other pests atm.
rounded with some 1-20-1 guano.
not sure yet.
thanks, not much practical knowledge in regards to organics but i am going to try a bit.

ive read several times people recomending chiken manure, its just a lil hot in Ca.
not having a wormbin in my flat, so need to buy some shit.
plan for next grow,
90L starter soil (peat, perlite, lime, very little fert),
plus 10-20% worm castings.
plus maybe 1kg 5-3-7 + 1.5 Mg organic fert pellets (quite complete stuff with kelp n all),
1kg chicken manure 4.5-3-2.5 + 5 Ca
maybe 0.5-1kg neem 2-0.6-2 as it seems to be good stuff while not having gnats or other pests atm.
rounded with some 1-20-1 guano.
not sure yet.
Crab meal is also good against pests but it needs to compost a little first; you'd get bacteria who specifically likes to eat bugg eggs since they are made of the same stuff as the crabshell ;)
no pests in signt atm, knock on wood.
soil plant is doing well, reacted nicely on the guano and liquid organic fertilizer.
gave a lil epsom salt too (its organic certified).
she greened up quite nice, a lil Mg chlorosis here n there still but thats stoped too and shes cruising.
the chlorosis is prob at least partially light intensity related.
smell on these is really great, i know this genes, but never had them stinking more.
ok, if i have a little runoff it stinks like a if a elephant peed in your tent, thats a lil drawback (nothing the carbon filter wont catch).
otherwise dam easy run so far.

i hope the do sweet dos in cocos will finish anytime soon, still throwing lots white psitils while starting to amber.
reduced the light for them allready.
no.1 sucks quite badly compared to the others, sadly the one i took the most clones, really stinky but not producing much, well prob things went a south for her in this grow, prob can do better.
no.4 is a heavy producer it seems, just not the stinkiest.
thanks, not much practical knowledge in regards to organics but i am going to try a bit.

ive read several times people recomending chiken manure, its just a lil hot in Ca.
not having a wormbin in my flat, so need to buy some shit.
plan for next grow,
90L starter soil (peat, perlite, lime, very little fert),
plus 10-20% worm castings.
plus maybe 1kg 5-3-7 + 1.5 Mg organic fert pellets (quite complete stuff with kelp n all),
1kg chicken manure 4.5-3-2.5 + 5 Ca
maybe 0.5-1kg neem 2-0.6-2 as it seems to be good stuff while not having gnats or other pests atm.
rounded with some 1-20-1 guano.
not sure yet.
II'd skip the fert balls bro. Ur on Comeletem with the neem worm poo the extra cgicken shit won't be needed wormpoo is proven better than any compost and if u hav chicken shit feed it to the worms . Check out clackmas coot soil recipie he's a master