modular overkill led striplight build

so another round, its day 1 12/12.
simply another 4 do sweet dos of the sweet pheno, do like it, genetic is strong.
theyre in soil again as i am not really having the time for some more complicated atm.
its the same soil mix as before plus some i "recharged" with EWC and let it sit in the kitchen for a while.
it even grew shrooms for a while, should be quite bioactive.
this part i dont like and i may will skip on that in the future and simply buy some soil and ewc online a kilo organic pellets and it should be all needed, maybe some extra aeration, not sure.
plants do like it so far.
ive given also a handfull organic fert pellets.
i may give salt fert later in flower this round to see what will happen, but for now water will do for some time.

its just a 130W for now, i overvegged anyway, they allready shot like crazy.
they will see more wattage during the next days.
prob will deleaf them now and squeeze then under the net soon to keep them small, at least for the next 7 days.
all good so far.
introduced some nematodes, as i saw a fungus gnats, none on the sticky traps so far and none flying around.
but the neamtodes should take care now, i hate gnats a bit.

i will trim her a bit, its a bit dense and there is quite some way to go.

looks all healthy to me.
the soil is working well.

they had a good 600, rasing now to 700.
probably go a little higher with the 660nm portion this time, wel will see.


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nothing spectacular, all is doing well and the grow is flawless so far.
theyre well in to flower now, made their transition.
am still on organic food and it looks like the soil with all the EWC is quite rich in food.
i have given them organic tomato pellets after going 12/12 and they also got a good table spoon bat guano last weekend, they love this stuff.

its all very healthy, they also stand quite some light this time.
need to meaure, its 250W whites and 32W red atm on the square meter, fixture is close to the tops.
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took some measurements today.
its awesome what they can take this time.
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some tops are at 1500ppfd.
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the average is of course lower.

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1100ppfd here

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450ppf in the lower corners.

using 270W whites and 32W 660nm red.

Looking beautiful, Cob!

Any thoughts why these plants are able to tolerate the higher PPFD, or is it something you find varies grow to grow?
good question, there is room for wild theories.
what seems to work extremly well atm is the nutrient supply.
overall soil, peat with ewc basically, is very forgiving.
its all on point, but i wonder too.
a wild, while halfway scinece backed, theorie would be that there is a lot mycorrhizae or else in the media going, eating the surplus in energy the plant can provide atm.

i even went a little higher, 304W mainlight, and 34W 660nm red.
they see some UVA also at noon, but just since shorter.
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good question, there is room for wild theories.
what seems to work extremly well atm is the nutrient supply.
overall soil, peat with ewc basically, is very forgiving.
its all on point, but i wonder too.
a wild, while halfway scinece backed, theorie would be that there is a lot mycorrhizae or else in the media going, eating the surplus in energy the plant can provide atm.

i even went a little higher, 304W mainlight, and 34W 660nm red.
they see some UVA also at noon, but just since shorter.

Are you feeding with bottled nutes as well or just letting the soil do the work for you?

Plants look great as always though, hope they finish up to your liking.
it should be mostly the soil itself doing the job.
i gave 5-3-7 organic pellets beginning of flower.
also topdressed bat guano and a little charged bio char.
and i gave maybe 2 times a mild dose organic vinasse based liquid fertilizer.
not sure if all of the mentioned stuff was needed to get good results.

overall the soil seems to have some juice, its recycled soil with a good amount EWC, aged with some Biochar and organic fert pellets.
plus some perlite vermiculite, bentonite, simply cause i had it laying.
soil is for sure rich in silica, could have some impact too, could idk.
i had been very happy so har.
they where growing real quick, made the transistion quick.
food is on point, they stand a lot light.
BUT, i forgot to set the timer right 10 days ago and they had 24h UVA since.
not good at all, that was day now 24h for them.
i got some reveg and they slowed down with their bud production.

human error, biting my ass a bit.

luckily not all are affected this heavy.
but its a bummer as the run had been so flawless and its only my stupid error.

on the positive side, my uva bars seems to be quite harmless, prob could give them allday when needed.... but not 24h !
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sad to see these deformed buds, not my usual standard and the genetics can do way better.
last run was really good with these genes, yield was also very good.
i thought this run is even better, prob chances for this are gone, can be happy when they dont hermie.
basically am impressed how thick colas they developed for just a good 4 weeks on 12/12 (where 10 days where with 24h uva making them reverting).
i would have loved to see them finishing without such a failure, am sure it would had been great.
could and should have noted it, but i havent given much attention as i thought all is so well.
Shit happens. I know f'ing up feels bad, but in the end it's just one grow, and by the looks of it it's far from a complete disaster. Interesting to see how they react now.
Me too! You can see it as a slip up or an opportunity to see something new that we wouldnt ever have seen.
The standard knowledge says that its the red/far red hormonal thing that makes night and day for the plant, something ive doubted being the end of the story. We now see uv outside of par (your using 360ish nm right?) can also break the night cycle.
I mean the rest of the grow was more than on point, how much does this have to do with high levels of uv?
Me too! You can see it as a slip up or an opportunity to see something new that we wouldnt ever have seen.
The standard knowledge says that its the red/far red hormonal thing that makes night and day for the plant, something ive doubted being the end of the story. We now see uv outside of par (your using 360ish nm right?) can also break the night cycle.
I mean the rest of the grow was more than on point, how much does this have to do with high levels of uv?
Yes, all light has the ability to do so, also green and even continuous farred, although farred for a few nights (1-3) will not do this and even has the power to revert a night interruption.
The 660/730 thingy is a very basic description to illustrate the Pr<>Pfr mechanism but I'm sure Cryptochromes play into flowering behaviour as well, as does generic light cause a red and darkred leaf fluorescence that could activate the phytochromes

sad to see these deformed buds, not my usual standard and the genetics can do way better.
last run was really good with these genes, yield was also very good.
i thought this run is even better, prob chances for this are gone, can be happy when they dont hermie.
basically am impressed how thick colas they developed for just a good 4 weeks on 12/12 (where 10 days where with 24h uva making them reverting).
i would have loved to see them finishing without such a failure, am sure it would had been great.
could and should have noted it, but i havent given much attention as i thought all is so well.
Sorry this happened to you my friend. Still this will be interesting to watch how it turns out and how strong the revegging is, I mean 10 days of white light would result in a full revegg where the plants would discard all floral matter.
yes shit happens and there are way worse things can happen to one.
its hard to say to which degree the grow is f... up.

they saw a good 10W 365/390nm, allday, even during night for 10 days.
was clearly day for them, cant say if only 365nm wont had been day, but so far i would say uva behaves like blue light here.
i did had timer mishaps with 730nm too, not for 10days, ...while also for days if i remeber right,, didnt caused such a revert.
my thunb also tells me all wavelenghts below 700 can cause a reveg, 730 is may a bit more special and maybe would had been the more interesting experiment to give this allnight 10days.

well i may found a safe way to produce tons of seed from feminized plants, lol..

am curious too of the outcome, but... am still a bit pissed, as other then the avoidable timer problem the run where real good and i would have loved to see fat 1300-1500ppfd buds (while still think a little less ppfd is more sane maybe).

not sure if i can reproduce such a grow this quickly, new soil new luck.
to all who follow here since longer, basically plant got more tolerant to light and pretty much everything since i switched to a peat based soil mix, peat, ewc, perlite, vermiculite..
at some point i may try cocos again, but probably with an other fertilizer regime.
have to say i used a lot cocos in the past with a few fertilizer line ups, outcome varied,, for sure some good combinations to find too.

so they had a real night again.
of course reveg isnt stoped now, strangely 3 plants are reveing hard, front right not so much.
all is same genetics.
good to compare above

lets see whats going to happen.
.they get some EOD from now on too, makes some sense.
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