Mohican's 2015 Season

The trash baby bush got fimmed early on by a slug. Now it is a monster with rebar stems! The flowers all started turning purple during the cold snap and now they are greening up in the sun. I took my collection plate covered with Triangle pollen and ran my finger across it. Looked like I had run it across a chalkboard! Put some on every flower and preflower out there. We will see whether the pollen is viable :)

Now I need to prepare for my journey to the foothills of the San Bernardino mountains.

Hi Mohican, Im from the Northeast, are season runs from April 22, till Oct 15thish, flowering starts at summer solstice june 21. my question is what the grow season for Northern FL, ive heard a lot , rather hear from a grower. also heard theres 2 seasons. any info is appreciated thanks.