Mohican's 2015 Season

The BT keeps the caterpillars away. The bigger moths and butterflies can't get through. The wasps and bees can get through. I am still working on a way for some of the birds to still get in or I may just add chickens.



on the cusp man, working full time and trying to renovate and not just eat and sleep in-between is straining us. physically financially and mentally. I still feel like burning it to the ground and running off into the night.

Laying tiles in a month then kitchen bathroom and we're in. be another couple of months minimum.
Damn! Two payments and construction work. Are you working an extra job?

Hang in there brother - it is all going to be worth it. When we moved in here I was doing the same thing and then my wife and I fought over our daughter's school project that needed to be built. I lost it and punched a door. This house has hardwood doors. Shattered my little finger. Seems pretty stupid now.

Take pictures every time you go to the new house. You will thank me later :)

Stupid Mo
yeah I'm dealing other peoples shitty weed, that's my third job after fulfilment for BB and my 9-5. I've quit drinking for a while just to give us some extra play. GF is a student so not on a great wage. breaking point is approaching. dude, she's seeing a stress councillor as her boss is a lunatic pressure freak. she told me the other day I was in her 'stress diary' quite a bit. damn near broke my heart man. feels like I can't tell her my worries now.

holding it together is just about all i can do. I'm already a bit screw loose so going crazy isn't an option haaha

I do take pics man, it's looking a lot more like a house just with an undercoat. finish line approaches though. I just keep reminding myself a helluva lot of folks have it much worse than us.

Cheers Mo.
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Tell her to find a better job. Dickhead bosses suck. I told one to fuck off and walked out the door. Best feeling ever. My daughter went through the same thing. She thought she needed to take the abuse. She would come home utterly wrecked from his crap. I walked her through how to talk to him and the next day she got in his face and told him where to stick it! I love that girl :)

My wife is a saint. When I get her mad I know it is some bad shit!

Hugs are the best cure for stress. Foot rubs and back rubs will score some major points too.

Totally what I was thinking Mo, I'll ask her for a back rub tonight! hahaha

I hear you man. Unfortunately my lady is halfway to becoming Dr so quitting uni now means paying them a fortune and career suicide so on we go grinning and bearing it!

I've told several bosses where to go and walked. It is an awesome feeling, scary and great in the same breath. I'm a little old for going back to my folks now mind haha and they turned my room into a guitar room/office anyway lol.

I'm finding weed and music to be a great release. I was so angry and stressed this AM with allsorts of things. quick bong and some toots n the maytals and I was cured.
How cool! What kind of Dr? Medical is a whole different ball of hell wax. Must bow to the gods!

Glad to hear that you sorted it all out. Sounds like you are ready for that back rub hehe