Come to the San Bernardino mountain resort area and I'll hostWife and I are working on trying to find the right time to host again.. We have just been so busy. Lol!
Come to the San Bernardino mountain resort area and I'll host
Greenhouse came as a kit, I didn't buy it either. But I do love the chain link. This month I plan on expanding it out a few feet.Hey man, I'm down.. I've got harvest going for a few weeks and then im all clear till Tahoe mid next month.
Btw. Love the chain link gh. Might build me one a bit bigger like that
Yes sir, until fallAre you back up on the mountain?
Mo now I see want you mean about putting ice around the blueberry plant. All this extreme heat has made the blueberries on the plant seem rotten and squishy. I laid a bunch of ice on top of the soil. Now she's loving life. I should have tried that with my strawberries . They got fried and then died from the heat.
It'ss been above 115 the past 2 weeks. The last couple days it dropped to 105. It's a world if difference. We actually got some humidity and a little cloud cover yesterday and the day before.
weve had a heat wave for our area but nothing like that. I forget your probably in AC madness by now.
I like that ideaThank you sir. I've been suggesting a so cal bbq for a while now.
up until yesterday I couldn't get the inside of my place below 75. I need it at 68 at highest to make hash. I've even had to turn my ac off for a little at night to give it a rest. It's been 85 to 105 at night even at midnight here. The low here at 4 am is high 70's to low 80's. My cat won't even go outside during the day.
I've been going nuts with the shade cloth and it's had a huge impact on the house as well as the yard.Put up some shade cloth too.
I am also putting one up on the side of my greenhouse. Here is a site that does the grommets for you in case you don't have a fancy machine or Mo The stuff from HD is 75%. I would use the 47% stuff although if it is for concealment the higher the % the better. You can also buy 3/4 or 1 inch electrical conduit for the supports. I get the Ts and 90s, etc. fittings from a guy at the swap meat at Golden West College. I will take some pics within the next 2 weeks.
I have akki and pre98 x paki punch up next. Thanks again MoBeautifuMove aby pictures and the outdoor space makes me jealous!
I have a Maku and an Akki but not a Maki. Maku is Jillanje backcrossed and Akki is AK x Paki Punch.
Maku is very sativa and has a strong cherry and diesel pheno. Akki is very indica and smells like sour apple jolly rancher candy.
It should be easy to tell which one it is as it develops flowers. They look very happy and healthy!