Mohican's 2020 Season

Damn Mohican that jillanje plant looks awesome, what did the cross produce as far as characteristics go, what was more dominant?
Farmer John is in Cuba?

Time lapse movie came out cool. I just can't figure out how to post it here.

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Got more screen room done on Saturday and Sunday.

Got the last of the framing around the roof in on Saturday:

ScreenRoom 03-28-20.png

ScreenRoom2 03-28-20.png

Also added the last screen to the gap:

ScreenRoom3 03-28-20.png

ScreenRoom4 03-28-20.png
The animals eating all of my blueberries was what started this whole adventure:


I started making little cages for all of my food plants. They were hard to harvest from and the lawn was growing inside of them and...

What if I make one giant cage big enough to walk around? Challenge accepted!


This was the point in the construction when I was laid off with about 500 other employees. It took almost a year to get back to it.

Screen Room 03-25-15.png

Built scaffolding to make the upper construction more accessible.

Scaffold 04-19-15.png

ScaffoldDone 04-19-15.png