Mohican's 2020 Season

Now the door frame area:

ScreenRoom2 03-28-20.png

ScreenRoom3 03-29-20.png

I am exhausted from staying up last night with the new grandbaby experience. I will probably take this weekend off from working on the screen room.
Raining this morning - I thought it wasn't getting here until tonight.
Plants are doing well with the new lighting. I took them outside the other day and they wilted hard at first. I moved them to partial shade under the metal screen table. They perked back up. It was a little breezy so I had to stake a few up and add some soil to brace them.

I added more lighting after seeing what they did outside. I replaced the blue Kessil H150 and one of the cree 100 watt 4k with an H380 (set on grow) and an H350. Now it looks like this:



I gave them their first watering with Sensi A/B and some silica. It is amazing to watch the green darken up.
