Mohican's 2020 Season

Spent half the day yesterday out there mixing soil, digging holes, transplanting tomatoes and blueberries.
Got my pH pen soaking in solution for three days and then I tried to calibrate it. My RO water is a perfect 7 pH only the 4 pH calibrating solution wasn't working. I have a big jug of rice vinegar and I wondered whether it would work. Looked it up and rice vinegar is 4! Used it on my pen and viola the pen is calibrated.
Removed two of the Agent Orange males and two of the Shoreline males.
I'll post some pictures later.
Lookin good man...I must admit I envy you fellas that have the privilege of backyard growing of the Cannabis...for outdoors i gotta slip thru the forest like the Predator so I mainly stick to the spare bedroom...I have some Banana trees like you have there...i gotta cut em down every fall at the base but in the spring they pop right bk up n get bigger each year n multiply...
Garden Progress

Friday I finally had the gardener transplant the cherry tree in the ground next to the screen room. It is already getting greener and it is looking all together happier.

When I took the cats outside on Sunday morning, one of them was very interested in the rat trap I have sitting in the garden. I figured that he was just picking up residual smells from when I caught the rat a couple of months ago.


There was a fresh new rat in the trap! Without using bait! I showed them the rat and they were very interested. Then I took it to the wildlife refuge and released it. They were still looking for it when returned. I set the trap back up and we will see if I get anything else.

Spent the afternoon and evening stapling up the holes from the early construction. I was using a hand stapler then. Now I have the high powered staple gun with long staples. Got 99% of the holes done. I will finish up today.

Garden Progress

Friday I finally had the gardener transplant the cherry tree in the ground next to the screen room. It is already getting greener and it is looking all together happier.

When I took the cats outside on Sunday morning, one of them was very interested in the rat trap I have sitting in the garden. I figured that he was just picking up residual smells from when I caught the rat a couple of months ago.


There was a fresh new rat in the trap! Without using bait! I showed them the rat and they were very interested. Then I took it to the wildlife refuge and released it. They were still looking for it when returned. I set the trap back up and we will see if I get anything else.

Spent the afternoon and evening stapling up the holes from the early construction. I was using a hand stapler then. Now I have the high powered staple gun with long staples. Got 99% of the holes done. I will finish up today.

Love live trapping. Feels so much better than kill traps. All critters need the chance to live and do their thing!
I had roof rats 10 years ago and used the regular traps. One day I checked the trap, and it had struck the rat in the center of the back. The rat was paralyzed but not dead.

I put the rat (trap and all) in a 5 gallon bucket and drowned it. It was very traumatic. I knew there had to be a better way.

Googled and found this trap:


Got the large one.

Now I let them go in the wildlife refuge 2 miles from my house.
I had roof rats 10 years ago and used the regular traps. One day I checked the trap, and it had struck the rat in the center of the back. The rat was paralyzed but not dead.

I put the rat (trap and all) in a 5 gallon bucket and drowned it. It was very traumatic. I knew there had to be a better way.

Googled and found this trap:

View attachment 4623534

Got the large one.

Now I let them go in the wildlife refuge 2 miles from my house.
Same one I use. Mine might be a little smaller but same basic design. I love carrying it over to the park and opening it and watching them take off..