

Active Member
Hi everyone -

I'm 4.5 weeks into budding, and I'm thinking about trying out some Molassas, but I have no clue how much to use. I generally water each plant with 1/2 gallon of water - does anyone have a rough estimate of how much I should start out with? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
black strap molasses is supposed to be the "best", but i just used grandmas molasses from albertsons. good luck


Well-Known Member
yea 2 tblsp per gallon.....approx. plants seem to really like it and I started right around the same point you are at .... from all that I have read seems many people like to use it for carb loading and micronutrients as well.


Well-Known Member
you can mix it right in with your nutes. i used molasses every watering , then the nutes every other water.....trial and error are great ways to learn when growing cannabis.


Well-Known Member
my feeding/watering included all nutrients in a combined solution. don't really know if that was right but the plants they growing purdy well.....others might recommend to limit dosages of some nutirients. I prefer to look at it as ....all in moderation.....good luck.


Active Member
I just harvested my first indoor plant, I used Grandma's Molassas after 4th week of bloom. ( 2 tble sppons per gallon of water) I had to try some before I sent it to the drying area. It had a sweet taste and was very, very sticky. I used only malassas and and no other nutes.

I also had it under 12 100 watt equavalant CFL's. I now also have two under the same lighing that I started 12/12 after 2 weeks of veg. The whole plant is a bud ( both of them) they are bag seed and have no idea what strain they are. These should be ready in about 4 weeks to harvest.

Getting another grow started in two weeks, have to re-do my grow area to accomadate them.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to try the molasses gimmick.

Is this the right stuff? $2.49 at Krogers.

What's a good dosage? 1 T per Gallon every watering?? (Dirt)



Well-Known Member
yes unsulphured blackstrap. thats what it is. ive used 4 tbsp per gallon on every other watering and had no problems at all. works especially well with micorhizzae inoculate.