Molasses. A double edged sword?


New Member
So as my plant enters the final week and a half of flowering I decided too try out mollasses. I gave 2 tbsp in a gallon of water. Mixed well.

I feed my plant about half or 1tbsp over the course of two days. Although my plants seem bigger, more thc, and smell pretty sweet (i cut a small bud off the bottom and smoked it). I am noticeing burning on the leaves. Although obviously on one cares about the leaves Im worred if this will have a negative impact on my baby.
I run hydroponics and been wondering about molasses does it really work and when to add it would be great to know mebe ill try it one day.

Best of Luck
right but i still only gave it half so if thats the case it still got the right ammount just not as diluted.

It got the same ratio of 2 tbsp per gallon, that's what matters. Foods are made up in ratios, 2 part to 1 part for example.
ok so ive heard, female is pure bud(ive heard so far) and male has bud and seed :neutral:, so im guessing male is better?

Thats good for a laugh
I run hydroponics and been wondering about molasses does it really work and when to add it would be great to know mebe ill try it one day.

Best of Luck

You should be very careful with molasses and hydro because it can easily clog your system up
i use 1/2 and it works great, i think i posted b4 or someone else did a high times link stating that molasses increases your budd sizes by 20% if given within the last 3-4 weeks of flowering
Supposed to be 1 tbs per gallon, and Im sure the "burn" you are seeing is the leafs naturally turning yellow at the end of flowering.
2 tbspn is not over kill, it is just fine thats what i use per gallon,,, but you should try using it all through the flowering stage,, because what it does is it ups the plants motabilizum
Are you sure it's burn? If your that close to the end of flower, the leaves should be turning yellow anyway as the plant begins to consume them. That's a good sign.
No this is all wrong molasses in hydroponics is retarded simple college plant botany please people pick up a book or 2. Plants cannot eat complex carbs. This is very simple 1st college year botany as i said before. Before everybody starts crying on how im wrong please go and read this.

I can also post a few good book titles that verify this. Including text books.

now stop using Molasses in hydroponics set ups!.
No this is all wrong molasses in hydroponics is retarded simple college plant botany please people pick up a book or 2. Plants cannot eat complex carbs. This is very simple 1st college year botany as i said before. Before everybody starts crying on how im wrong please go and read this.

I can also post a few good book titles that verify this. Including text books.

now stop using Molasses in hydroponics set ups!.
you are correct sir! plants cannot uptake complex carbohydrates! but ur missing the point. all those years of botany and u dont see the benefits of molasses? it feeds microbes in the soil that break down nutrients and make them more readily available to plants