molasses during flowering


Well-Known Member
2tbs a gallon, once a week, is the reccomended dosage, so I would just stick to that. Also only use it during flowering, or if you really are eager to use it, a week before flowering. It really has no affect during vegging, and might attract ants. Using to much molasses, will attract some unwanted pests, so dont over due it. If you do 2tbs a week during flowering, you should be fine. And you can use the molasses right up until harvest, so dont worry about flushing it.

I really dont think molasses burned your plants. Did you PH after you added the molasses?

You can get molasses at any grocery store, and also at most dollar stores. Grandmas is a good brand, but there is another with a rabbit on it, forgot the name, but it seems to have more Plant nutrition then grandmas. They both work good though.


Well-Known Member
2tbs a gallon, once a week, is the reccomended dosage, so I would just stick to that. Also only use it during flowering, or if you really are eager to use it, a week before flowering. It really has no affect during vegging, and might attract ants. Using to much molasses, will attract some unwanted pests, so dont over due it. If you do 2tbs a week during flowering, you should be fine. And you can use the molasses right up until harvest, so dont worry about flushing it.

I really dont think molasses burned your plants. Did you PH after you added the molasses?

You can get molasses at any grocery store, and also at most dollar stores. Grandmas is a good brand, but there is another with a rabbit on it, forgot the name, but it seems to have more Plant nutrition then grandmas. They both work good though.
Molasses's also helps during vegging to promote thick leaves strong stems and acts as a chelating agent to improve root development,just use it at half strength during veg.
Pests don't like molasses in the soil as it burns their exoskeleton away and also encourages growth of micro-organisms in the soil that attack larvae:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
there is a picture of to buds together,both from clone both got everything the same except one got molasses,the picture spoke for itself the molasses one was almost 40% bigger,this was in jorges horticultural bible.


Well-Known Member
Molasses's also helps during vegging to promote thick leaves strong stems and acts as a chelating agent to improve root development,just use it at half strength during veg.
Pests don't like molasses in the soil as it burns their exoskeleton away and also encourages growth of micro-organisms in the soil that attack larvae:blsmoke:

my soil was full of gnats when i used it. weird.:-| it got worse.:evil:


Active Member
You can get Molassas from any Stock feed, agricultural shop, rural hardware shops and pretty much any place that sells cow/horse food etc. I bought a litre of Pure molassas, straight from the local sugar mill for $2. Blackstrap just means the molasses has been created using a tripple or third boil procedure. It is mostly just pure sugar by0product high in mineral and vitamins. Any fine molassas you find attractivly wrapped will probably be a first or second boil product and will be treated with sulphur dioxide as a preservative. The shit used for stock feed is pure untreated third boil blackstrap molassas and cheap as hell, you will know if you have the right shit as a whiff will knock your head off !

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Your really not doing anything but wasting money and throwing sugar at your soil unless you use it with your benif/enzimes/myo---the ecology at the root level has to break down the sugar to simple and complex carbs before the plants can utilize it. If your planning on using pure sugar then you need to start adding enzymes as Earlie as possible to your soil. Plants only benefit from sugar once it has been broken down into a form that can be assimilated. I like sucanat.


Well-Known Member
Your really not doing anything but wasting money and throwing sugar at your soil unless you use it with your benif/enzimes/myo---the ecology at the root level has to break down the sugar to simple and complex carbs before the plants can utilize it. If your planning on using pure sugar then you need to start adding enzymes as Earlie as possible to your soil. Plants only benefit from sugar once it has been broken down into a form that can be assimilated. I like sucanat.
hey im about to start using molasses in my flowering (about 4 weeks in) and wondering if anyone had any more feedback with molasses:
which type to purchase exactly (blackstrap and grandmas have been mentioned but.....)

Nancy Botwinz Budz

Active Member
the rabbit kind is called Brer Rabbit, I use whatever I can get but would prefer blackstrap because it is more concentrated.
fdd2blk I too notice a rise in fungus gnats, probably because the molasses feeds the fungi in the soil and makes more for the gnats to eat. I just try to let my top layer of soil to dry real good in between waterings. You can top dress your pots with a 1/2" layer of sand to deter the gnats too.
Molasses definately makes the buds bigger. Most commercial nutes that say "sweet" "carbo" or claim to boost flavour have molasses in them. I can't lick the spoon with commercial nutes though... :D


Well-Known Member
Hey there. I'm a newbie with a reading and info frenze. Coupled with 1000 hrs of reading grow bible, reading online and my first two set of grows under mybelt. I HIGHLY recommend Humbolt Countys Crystal burst. I went from some ok looking trichromes. To so much tris that the bottoms of the leafs lookes like some one had freezer burnt them. Amazing transformation. It took 2-3 days to notice spectacular results. My brother had turned me on to it. I'm forever thankful. I am just starting to use molassastoday on my bext few plants. Hope all goes well. Just wanted to share something that helped so much for me


Well-Known Member
Molasses doesn't feed your plants people. It feeds the life in your soil which in turn feeds your plant. If you're using synthetic nutes then don't bother because synthetic nutes destroy the life in the soil, if you had any to start with. You guys' buds are swelling because they're further into flower.
I've been using the brand grandmas molasses for the past 3 weeks @ 1tsp per gallon.. and I think itsbeen doing a great job.. how many week's do u think I have until I should harvest?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
what about natures wisdom horticulture molasses??
Yes, good stuff, another is "High Brix" that's another Horticulture molasses that works well.

If your going to use a "store bought" molasses it should say "unsulfured" somewhere on the label !!!
Molasses adds carbs or "sugars" to the mix that flowering plants use to help produce buds. It seems to enhance the flavors by adding to the terp production also.
The use of molasses is an "old school" trick...Over the years I have found that I prefer to use it over not.


Well-Known Member
Molasses is also a great foliar spray, besides the benefit it gives to your soil. Granted if you have syn. nutes you are going to hurt your microbeasties but you rarely will kill off all of them. Molasses will help feed them and they reproduce like crazy, also if you would use a little tea (compost or other organic) you will reintroduce them regularly.
Here is a link for ya'll to read, just a starting point.....maybe help correct some misinformation like the plant doesn't use the sugars in the molasses, yes they do both from the soil and if given foliarly absorbed directly into the leaf.

Rusty Trikes

Well-Known Member
Im having amazing results with Slow-As pure unsulphured black strap molasses. I give my girls 1 Tbspn per gallon during weeks 5, 6,7 and 8 of a 10 week flower right along with their regular nutes. I mix it with hot water and a half teaspoon of table sugar and then mix it with their regular nutes, then aerate it over night. I usually see a pretty decent increase in size, firmness, and trichomes within a week. I get the molasses at my local grocery store next to the pancake syrup. It costs $6 and lasts about 6 months.