Molasses for aero?


Well-Known Member
I've been reading posts upon posts where soil, and even hydro growers, use molasses in the latter stages of flower to beef up their buds and add some nice sweet flavor. Reports of yield increases vary depending upon who you talk to but I am curious to try the experiment and see what kind of difference it makes. I am growing in an aero system though and so I'm hesitant to use regular store bought molasses because its too thick and I'm afraid it might somehow clog up my system. So do any of you aero growers have experience with molasses or a molasses substitute that is safe for sprayers and pumps? I'm also worried about it becoming sticky and causing problems. Is it worth it?


Do not use molasses in any type of hydroponics.

The nutrients in soil are not immediately available to plants. Through numerous biological process, initiated by microorganisms, the nutrients in soil are broken down slowly into a form that the plant can absorb through the roots-- creating a "time release" nutrient effect. Plants can not absorb carbohydrates through the roots. Molasses merely acts as an adjunct food supply for these microorganisms.

In hydroponics, the nutrients are supplied in a mineral form immediately available to plants, without regard to microorganisms. Since hydroponic nutrients will not benefit from additional microbial activity, molasses would be useless, and could potentially breed some nasty pathogens.


Well-Known Member
Would not recommend it, though I have a friend who does. He really dilutes and mixes it with water before adding it to his res though of course. Last thing you want to do is throw a glob of molasses into the res.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't try molasses in aeroponics because of sprayers but in ebb and flow and top feed I can vouch for....the benefits of molasses in soil are many and of course are not applicable in hydroponics but still there is still a few benefits that are adds a unique taste aroma to your buds....add 5ml per gallon,add to hot water and stir....let cool down.....add to res....water temps are very important especially when adding carbs to your res........pathogens can and will reek havok if water temps are neglected.......


Well-Known Member
Just a random thought.... I dont grow in soil, but if I did could I use Marmite at all ? I dunno if there would be any benefit or whether it would do more harm than good.. either way just a random thought ?? It does smell remarkably similar to Superthrive! - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
There are other products designed for hydroponics that add flavor and aroma such as GH Flora Nectar,AN Bud Candy,Botanicare Sweet etc. etc......they are a bit pricey but work none the less


Well-Known Member
I'm concerned with yield first and foremost. Anything that increases yield is what I'm after. A close second to yield is anything that increases aroma. There are lots of products out there but much of it is marketing and hype so I'm just trying to separate the wheat from the chaff so to speak, and find out what really works with regard to these two aspects.


Well-Known Member
If yield is your concern pick a strain known for heavy yields and provide ideal conditions, a little bit of training and you'll have success without long as you give your plants what they need they will reward you with bountiful harvests...