molasses for bud denser ?


Well-Known Member
I have used it for the 1st time this year and noticed a few of the leaves on 1 of mine are kinda dark on the edges. I am gonna stop using it for now, and I might just be a mag def....we will see. I have only been using 1Tbs per gal every 3 days, so I dont think I over did it.


Well-Known Member
i think ill use it every week after like 3 waters with my gallon jugs....and we will see how that goes..there smelling nice though...bag seeds arent so bad after smells like fruit and one of them is purple too....dunno what it is tho ha ha
Man if mine double, they'll all break off!!

I haven't used yet, still trying to find. Apparently we have some already, who knows maybe I even used it last year?

Also can't find charger for one camera and the other camera is missing too........

Hope to show some p[ics sometime soon.........

Have a great week end!

i used 2 tablespoons in a 2 liter bottle and watered with that during flowering and the first time i used it my buds doubled in size in less than two days after the first time. its freakin awesome

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
In my experience with molasses I use about a tsp/gal, more than that and it can start causing problems (pH, EC, bacterial and mold issues, pests...) But I think it works pretty well, I have had some great results using it. I use it as soon as they are rooted and vegging, in low amounts of course. I use a 7-part soup at a certain part of flowering that does include molasses (favorably) in to the mix. My mama plants seem to REALLY like it and grow amazing foliage. I have found that I can feed my Mama's less than half of the rec'd nute amounts if I give them just a tsp/gal with no loss of vertical growth for cloning.

Mr. Deisel

I wanna try it out but im about to harvest my one in a week or two. would it be alright to use until then? I know the last week you really dont want to add too much to the mix. Also would it be alright for my autoflowers?