Molasses-How much per gallon Water?

I remember years ago sucanat was the big thing with many growers. Use sucanat and get sweet tasting buds. The plants do not suck up sugars and make the buds sweeter. The reason many are all over molasses is because it's much easier to find than sucanat. As for helping with nutrient uptake a better choice would be Fulvic/humic acid. There have been numerous scientific studies regarding their use and have shown increased root development and growth. And you don't need to pay $30 for a bottle with a cool label. You can buy it in water soluble form for $15 a pound.
The plants keep the sugars it makes when you add molasses. That’s what makes the bud “Sweet”. Plants exchange sugars for nutrients created by the microbes. So when you give your medium sugar it will put your plant in overdrive mode taking up all those nutrients created by the microbes by adding molasses. So it’s like the plant gets to hold on to it’s naturally made sugars thus adding weight in theory. The microbes don’t have to wait around for the plant to make the exchange. The microbes in the medium are working with out that exchange. This is why the nutrients are increased creating faster uptake.