Molasses + Magnesium Sulfate = Sugar Daddy?


Active Member
So i know most of these sweetener products are just watered down molasses, but Sugar Daddy also gives sulfur. How much magnesium sulfate would be a safe amount to add to say a pint of Blackstrap molasses to make my own Sugar Daddy?


Active Member
Yes I know, I'm just wondering how much epsom salts I should add to a specified amount of molasses to replicate what the marketed sweeteners offer, as I'm currently missing out on the sulfate portion. For example would adding 20 grams of Magnesium Sulfate to 500 grams of Blackstrap molasses and using every watering be safe? I know Epsom Salts are pretty much Ph-neutral but I'm mainly worried about the Cal/mag balance that is notoriously harder to maintain in Coco Coir. Already currently using a tsp/gallon Magical after a calcium deficiency.


Active Member
I could swear I've actually seen the ratio here before.
I searched around, and on ICmag but so far can't find any specific measurements. I know I'm getting almost no sulfur in my mix right now for the last few weeks, a little in my B.C. Bloom but not enough for late flower. So about two or three weeks from now I'll want to be using my homemade "Sugar Daddy".


Active Member
What I am trying to convey to you, is; You cannot use Molasses to take the place of MgSo4. It just does not work that way. It is more of a myth than a real proactive ingredient. Science proves this. :)

People can argue about whether or not to use Molasses; I say Do Not! There are much better options...Such as MgSo4. There is not a replacement for this.

If you are thinking you are being organic. I would ask,

Do you believe that processed Molasses is organic?

Do you believe that a mineral dug from the ground is organic?

Think about it. Peace.lw :)


Active Member
Not trying to be organic lol, and this thread is about mixing them to make Sugar Daddy/Carboload, and both of those products are derived from molasses. I'm not very hoity toity about my weed and don't care if my cannabis is organic. I flush it anyway until the stems taste nice and chemical-free. I just want stuff that works and isn't overpriced. Can you perhaps link the science that proves molasses doesn't feed the micro-herd in the soil, that the carbs aren't beneficial and the magnesium, iron and potassium that are in the molasses aren't available at all? I'm a guy who tends to believe actual research :D rather than anecdotes, which doesn't seem to work well on RIU lol.


Virtually Unknown Member
Well, FWIW, the OP just wanted the ratio’s not any advice:)….however….

I don’t have an opinion either way on use of molasses

This site has some science about horticultural myths. Don’t know if molasses is addressed. Thanks, I believe to @Uncle Ben for finding it. Chalker-Scott/Horticultural Myths_files/index.html

Here are some other links that looked “informational” Good Growing


Active Member
If you want a science paper in order to prove this to your self; I advise that you use a search engine and read until you know what has been mentioned to you.

I tend to agree with you about opinions; However; When more than 1 person tells you something, and then a 3rd...The info starts to come across as factual. Not always a perfect formula, but a sound philosophy. :)

Hope you find the info you are looking for. One last note on the subject. If you find a process, and you will have to have a process in order to achieve what you are attemtping to gain information on; It will cost you more than buying a processed proven ptoduct developed by Scientists.:o


Active Member
I was never even the question you seem to be answering? The question was HOW MUCH magnesium sulfate to ADD TO blackstrap molasses to make Sugar Daddy. I'm not replacing one with the other. Sugar daddy and Carboload are both molasses-based, and the sugar daddy I had said right one the bottle it had magnesium sulfate and cane sugar in it. I'm now adding 1/4 tsp per gallon magnesium sulfate and 1/2 tbsp blackstrap mollasses to the mix. I'm not quite sure how to do the math on whether the sulfur levels are exactly the same. I know the salts were probably removed from the molasses to make Carboload and Sugar Daddy, but my water runs a high pH so it works fine for me just the way it is.

ALSO, blackstrap molasses is organic. The process of making molasses involves simply boiling it down to different grades and there is plenty of organic molasses available.


Active Member
Well, FWIW, the OP just wanted the ratio’s not any advice:)….however….

I don’t have an opinion either way on use of molasses

This site has some science about horticultural myths. Don’t know if molasses is addressed. Thanks, I believe to @Uncle Ben for finding it. Chalker-Scott/Horticultural Myths_files/index.html

Here are some other links that looked “informational” Good Growing
Wow that first article hurt me to read, people are putting high fructose corn syrup in their feeding mix? Disgusting.


Active Member
I use 1 TBS per 10 gallons when I make my own solution. My solutions were all custom designed, and this is how MgSo4 you add to this amount of water.


Active Member
I was never even the question you seem to be answering? The question was HOW MUCH magnesium sulfate to ADD TO blackstrap molasses to make Sugar Daddy. I'm not replacing one with the other. Sugar daddy and Carboload are both molasses-based, and the sugar daddy I had said right one the bottle it had magnesium sulfate and cane sugar in it. I'm now adding 1/4 tsp per gallon magnesium sulfate and 1/2 tbsp blackstrap mollasses to the mix. I'm not quite sure how to do the math on whether the sulfur levels are exactly the same. I know the salts were probably removed from the molasses to make Carboload and Sugar Daddy, but my water runs a high pH so it works fine for me just the way it is.

ALSO, blackstrap molasses is organic. The process of making molasses involves simply boiling it down to different grades and there is plenty of organic molasses available.
Yes; But SugarDaddy does not apply unprocessed Molasses directly to MgS04, etc...and name it. It is developed through processing.

Good Luck. I hope you find what you are looking for :) We are just trying to convey to you; DON'T Do it!


Well-Known Member
So i know most of these sweetener products are just watered down molasses, but Sugar Daddy also gives sulfur. How much magnesium sulfate would be a safe amount to add to say a pint of Blackstrap molasses to make my own Sugar Daddy?
Nutrient companies are only required to put the plant food ingredients on the label. The recipe for sugar daddy is probably not known to anyone outside of Techniflora. I use the stuff and it is great, i use it at 1/4 strength. The product also contains numerous amino acids along with feeding the beneficial microbes (like mollasses). Generally i view Sugar Daddy as a soil additive used for soil and soilless growing, i dont see it being as beneficial in a hydro system.



Active Member
Nutrient companies are only required to put the plant food ingredients on the label. The recipe for sugar daddy is probably not known to anyone outside of Techniflora. I use the stuff and it is great, i use it at 1/4 strength. The product also contains numerous amino acids along with feeding the beneficial microbes (like mollasses). Generally i view Sugar Daddy as a soil additive used for soil and soilless growing, i dont see it being as beneficial in a hydro system.

Thanks for the input. I know a lot of the benefit is lost in coco coir because the carbs actually feed the micro herd but I still think it's worth using until I see a side-by-side. It's not hurting anything lol.

That's all they have to tell you, but it's clearly derived from blackstrap molasses. Put the two together and smell them both, observe the consistency. It's just molasses with "amino acids" added. And I'm sure if I look through my botany textbook I could find whatever magic bullet they're putting in theirs, and guess what, I could just add that in and skip the step of the "scientists" lol.


Active Member
Yes; But SugarDaddy does not apply unprocessed Molasses directly to MgS04, etc...and name it. It is developed through processing.

Good Luck. I hope you find what you are looking for :) We are just trying to convey to you; DON'T Do it!
Much appreciated good sir. Taken into consideration, however all the articles you linked to me seem to be saying the opposite. I've read most of them lol.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input. I know a lot of the benefit is lost in coco coir because the carbs actually feed the micro herd but I still think it's worth using until I see a side-by-side. It's not hurting anything lol.

That's all they have to tell you, but it's clearly derived from blackstrap molasses. Put the two together and smell them both, observe the consistency. It's just molasses with "amino acids" added. And I'm sure if I look through my botany textbook I could find whatever magic bullet they're putting in theirs, and guess what, I could just add that in and skip the step of the "scientists" lol.
Ya, no question u could get close buying the individual products and mixing it yourself, but its hard to find exactly whats in it. All i was getting at is that it contains many additional things than just what is listed on the label. I know for a fact it has Humic Acid in it along with other aminos. And ya the stuff smells terrible and looks like diluted BSM. I only grow one plant and its just not worth the trouble to brew something myself. Sugar Daddy used at label recommended levels is retarded expensive though, i see why u want to avoid buying it, thats why i use it at 25%