Molasses or not ????


Active Member
Looking for staight simple answers, I'm in 3 weeks of flowering 3 ft White Widows.

Using Botanicare Pro Soil and Liquid Karma.

Thank you RIU, You rock !!!! :wall:


Well-Known Member
HELL NO. Screw what ppl say let your babies grow :O whynot just take a sh*t and piss in your soil durring flush and just call it CatPiss


Well-Known Member
Molasses has a tendency to leave an aftertaste.Never use it in soil/mix.Depending on how long you use it if you do it will leave massive sugar left in the ganja.I gave up on the shit a long time ago.If ya want a sweet taste use a mild sugar mix in your nutes.Advanced Nutrients has a product called 'Sugar Daddy".Its the shit.Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
use molasses, helps increase sugars uptake, more resin formation, more taste and smell. you can flush if your worried about it staying in your plant, which not all people have the problem or notice or care.


Active Member
iv done shows in the same room under the same conditions and one plants with molasses and some with out molasses... and the ones that got fed molasses for way bigger yeild and better MJ... what molasses does is up your plants motabilisum


Well-Known Member
iv done shows in the same room under the same conditions and one plants with molasses and some with out molasses... and the ones that got fed molasses for way bigger yeild and better MJ... what molasses does is up your plants motabilisum
Molasses feeds the soil, by stimulating beneficial microbes and chelation.


Well-Known Member
Molasses helps feed the beneficials living in your medium which have a symbiotic relationship with your plants.

Plants can only absorb simple sugars through its roots due to something called the casparion strip. Carbo loading your plants by root feeding is a myth as most of what is root fed doesnt actually feed the plant at all it helps the beneficials contained within the rhizosphere. A small trace amount does get beyond the casparion strip but alot of nute companies fail to tell you that they test their products by using lab techniques to inject directly into plants which shows great gains but without micro-encapsulation is not getting into the plant via its roots.

so to summarise molasses is good to help feed your medium which in turn helps to feed your plants.



Well-Known Member
I use tea near the end of flowering... i grow blueberry most of the time and i like to add a couple cups of blueberry oolong tea to my last watering. it really makes the buds taste and smell great! i only add it once or twice right near the end... too much sugar will attract bugs!!

If you do add sweets, remember to wash off your plant containers really well before using them again...