So back to BabyGoo copying and posting. She chewed my butt saying I didn't present new info by doing that. She claimed to be new and informative. But she was caught copying and posting. No response yet huh babygoo.
Hiya Mogie
You can have a response to your message, but you might not like what it contains.
Yes, I'm getting a little weary of the bashing I'm getting on here and it's time to start answering some of this criticism. Are you up to it Mogie?
Yes I have mentioned to you in open forum that constantly (note the use of the word constantly) quoting and citing references from the GrowFAQ that is now mostly 3-4 years out of date, and many parts of which now need updating wasn't of much use to newbie growers and also that some of it is simply wrong.
Just because it's listed in the GrowFAQ doesn't automatically make it right! You still haven't seem to have got it into your head that pre-flowers are not differentiated at 4 weeks vegetative growth AND I DONT CARE WHAT THE GROWFAQ SAYS!!! It's simply wrong. I've only just seen differentiated pre-flowers on my plants at 8 weeks for christs sake.
This is the problem when you rely on out of date information - you give out, out of date and wrong information and consequently I've had to correct you spewing it into the forums.
Now compare that to my recent copy and paste of a huge article on Molasses that was of interest to a person reading this thread - VirginHarvester. He was asking questions about Molasses that hadn't been answered here, because that information is not contained in the GrowFAQ. Rather than continue to answer his questions I felt that if he read that article on Molasses he would gain all the information and knowledge he needed - and so would others.
Yet all I get for my troubles in helping to inform someone is criticism for cutting and pasting an article of interest to someone reading this thread.
If the information was already contained and easy to find in the GrowFAQ, I wouldn't have to copy and paste he would I?
This chick has followed me around this site and bitched (usually in private messages) about everything from copying and pasting to FAQ. I didn't see Babygoo volunteering to help with FAQ when I begged for volunteers. She didn't even submit one article. Nothing.
I haven't followed you around on this site at all.. If I've seen you post bad information or advice - I've corrected you on it. No more.
Neither have I had one solitary discussion with you in private message about your cutting and pasting either, I have better things to do with my time.
What I have done is had a rather pointless private message exchange with you about the possible updating of the site GrowFAQ, which was all copied to Rollitup, as you well know.
In this exchange it soon became apparent to me several things. Firstly, that whilst you've done as best a job as you could in organising the GrowFAQ as it stands at the moment, and you should be applauded for the work and effort you've put into it, you've pretty much taken the GrowFAQ on this site as far as you can.
You don't have the depth of knowledge to now go through each and every FAQ and edit and update them with new information because you cannot think independantly and outside of that FAQ which was based on the old Overgrow FAQ's. Neither does it appear that you possess the ability to restructure the FAQ contents into a form that people can navigate easily. Your only defence against this was that 'people are lazy and can't be bothered to find things for themselves'. Yes, some people are lazy and won't bother to find things, but a lot of people will if the structure is there to make it easy for them.
So because of your reluctance to either let go of control over the GrowFAQ or let someone else have some positive input into its updating and restructuring, the newbie growers on this site continue to suffer in three ways: 1) Hardly any of them can actually find anything in the GrowFAQ relevant to what they're looking for 2) even when they do find some relevant information frequently it's wrong or out of date and 3) new growers continue to post their questions in the newbie forum rather than read a hard to navigate FAQ and this allows inexperienced and lacking in knowledge members of this site to go and give them wrong information.
All because your ego's too big to allow someone else to take the GrowFAQ on this site to a level you can't hope to.
So Baby how is the article coming that I asked you for months ago? You were so full of complaints I asked you to put that energy into something productive. Oh that's right still no article or even an answer to my message. How RUDE!!!!
I think I've made it quite clear to you here, that I have no intention whatsoever to provide you with anything while you continue to stand guard over the GrowFAQ and refuse to allow anyone else to update and reorganise it into a format useful to everyone - particularly novice and newbie growers.
Your inflated ego is holding this site back, not me.