Oh gosh, that's bad. To have it that early, it's going to be a problem for the entire grow. If it's an option, I would dump those and sanitize the entire room, especially anything those clones have touched or are near. When you start over, just know that whatever sanitizing you did, you are still starting with clones that were probably exposed to those spores. I highly recommend spraying the clones with Southern Ag Biological Fungicide, right from the beginning, AND, drench your rooting media in it before you even take the clones. Don't let them stay as wet...see how it grew up out of the cubes? Those cubes look like they were kept sopping wet. I would switch to rapid rooters or root riot cubes, just because they are easy to keep moist and not wet. Make a plan for a preemptive spraying program right from the beginning, use southern ag bio fungicide one week, then maybe a neem/silica spray the next, and alternate through the veg cycle. One last thing, biological fungicides are incredible at prevention, but terrible for treatment, so if you are determined to save these, which I don't recommend, you could try sulfur and or potassium bicarbonate (alternate them, don't use at the same time, give plenty of time between them.) Spray your mother with Southern Ag Bio Fungicide every two weeks (Serenade is an alternative, but I find it doesn't work quite as well.)