Mold growing on clay pellets

Pimpy Longstocking

Active Member
Doing a little experimental growing in a couple of 5 gal buckets w/clay pellets and baskets. Noticed today that a white mold is growing on the pellets and that the water is looking murky... any hints on what I'm doing wrong???


Well-Known Member
Clay is meant to be watered from the bottom up, and not the top 1/2" of pebbles should get wet. That's why we use it for Ebb & Grow bucket systems so well......... If you water from top down, or overwater too much from the bottom up, continually, you'll get this problem often and recurring........

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Pics and description of setup please.

Remove all the clay pellets that you can, clean them, bleach them, rinse them.
Dump the water, clean the bucket, bleach the bucket, rinse the bucket.
Get a new air-stone.
Rinse your roots, use a tablespoon of H2O2/gal of water.
You might want to look into something like "Piranha" for root treatment.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Yup,i agree clean everything only that wont stop new mold from growing,for that you need to block the light,cut a peice of light proof plastic & cover the clay,no mas mold or alge.