mold h202?

So i Notice there is this white mold in my soil last night. This morning I went and bought 3 percent hydrogen 450 ml. I think i might have used to much. No signs of damage 3 hours later but just worrieds. 5 gallon bucket full of rain water i say i used 20 - 30 ml. Is that to much? Can't transplant them right yet.Need bigger pots when i get paid next week.


Well-Known Member
Dont use H2O2 in soil. And for mold get a dehumidifier/fans ,keep clean ,cut moldy buds out.
I've got a pretty big fan for the size of the cabinet i'm using the humidity is only 35 percent. I'm figuring mold spores got there from the carpet I haulled up due to water damage last week. Why shouldn't I use h202?


Well-Known Member
It wipes out beneficial bacteria and micro organisms.Make sure the pot drys very well and trim lower suckers to get more airflow down low.
making sure the soil drys is the key. dont water till your pots are dry a 1/2" down. Then water as soon as the lights turn on and only water enough so that the surface is dry by the time the lights go out