mold just starting in jars


Active Member
i can just see a little tiny bit of mold starting up (white fuzz) after a couple months in a jar. anything i can kill it with? couple drops of alcohol into the jar help?


Active Member
As the mold spreads to reproduce got any Elmer's glue to contain the mold? Put a drop on it then pick it off. Ammonia or Chlorine will kill mold. Removal would be first step to prevent spreading. As ammonia and chlorine are gasses that would fill the jar a swab damp with either would prevent more problems. And the smell will leave when removed from jar.


Well-Known Member
i fear you have reached the end of your cure, i suppose it might be possible to kill the visible mold, but spores are now present
many will discard a jar that has started to mold, or use a safe method to consume, vaporizers will supposedly sterilize mold spores


Sector 5 Moderator
I had some from last year to develop a little touch of mold; you couldn't see it but you could taste it when you smoked it. I had plenty of good stuff so I tossed it. I don't know what smoking mold will do to you but I couldn't help but think of someone that burned a big pile of poison ivy and breathed in the smoke. Big fuckup there because most elements can exist as a solid, a liquid or a gas.


Active Member
Honestly I wouldn't want to be messing with moldy dope. I don't think any of it would be "safe to smoke" but hey, you can always do what my mom did with bread when i was a kid. Throw out the moldy pieces and keep the rest :) lol. food for thought :D


Well-Known Member
As the mold spreads to reproduce got any Elmer's glue to contain the mold? Put a drop on it then pick it off. Ammonia or Chlorine will kill mold. Removal would be first step to prevent spreading. As ammonia and chlorine are gasses that would fill the jar a swab damp with either would prevent more problems. And the smell will leave when removed from jar.
Hydrogen Peroxide H2O2 does the same thing and doesnt take very much.The plants dont seem to mind it @ all.Unfortunately the mold taste will stay.


Active Member
Well I looked into this since I didn't want to throw the weed out. There seems to be a lot of lore which get's repeated from one forum to another. Also a lot of comments like:

"Fungus is poisonous, I would never mess with that stuff" and "Hey, cheese has mold, penicillin is mold... what's the big deal?" Both of which are gross oversimplifications. There are tens of thousands different kinds of fungus and mold, some of which are extremely toxic, some are benign.

What I was able to find out was: (note: these are 'internet facts' I haven't followed them up to the point where I feel certain about them but they fit together in a plausible way)

By the time the mold is visible, its fibers have penetrated the weed extensively.

Heating to 350F will kill the mold but does not make the spores non allergenic.

Common grey mold, botrytis, is not in itself toxic. However if the spores are inhaled they can cause an allergic reaction known as 'Winegrower's Lung'

Botrytis spores are ubiquitous and present in all weed whether it appears moldy or not.

Processing the weed into bubble hash or honey oil is safe because the number of spores in the finished product is greatly reduced.

Some dispensaries include moldy weed in their bubble & oil making stock.

There seem to be no first hand or verifiable reports of people being poisoned from moldy weed. It's my guess that there is a lot of badly stored weed out there and people like myself willing to smoke it.

My bubble bags arrived yesterday. If you don't see any more posts by zvuv (bzzzzt!) you will know why :)


Active Member
I made my bubble hash out of moldy dope today. It came out nice and very potent. Absolutely no hint of mold in the taste.


I'd throw it out or make it into bubblehash or something. No use in risking it. Just make sure to let the jars breathe every few days or so. I also find that it helps to put a 1 inch square piece of sponge in my large jars to soak up excess moisture.


Well-Known Member
I'd throw it out or make it into bubblehash or something. No use in risking it. Just make sure to let the jars breathe every few days or so. I also find that it helps to put a 1 inch square piece of sponge in my large jars to soak up excess moisture.
smdh. a sponge to absorb moisture?............seriously i wouldnt know.

there are tons of great responses on here.

Vapor Nation

Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any experience with using silica gel packets to remove moisture from curing jars? I've heard that it helps, but haven't tried it personally.


i have a little mold on some buds in my jar but i found out before the situation got worse and only 2 grams of it had mold....which i threw out... should i throw out the whole batch even tho it doesnt seem to have mold on the rest?