mold (looks like mold growing in veg plants)


I have three vegging plants that I've just noticed wat it looks like mold infestation, I do have the mother that's in flower and i do want to place these vegging one in there also but I dnt not want them to infect the mother which is doing quite well.... it is powdery and with greenish little balls



You might be over watering. Let the media dry out more between each watering. Otherwise, Is it very humid in the grow room? Air circulation?

A little bit of white fuzz (or even some green, or yellow) isn't typically a big deal; you might just stand for some better air flow. Use an oscillating fan.

Usually these are strictly saprophytic fungi, breaking organic matter down. Some are opportunistic and might attack a weak plant. For example, if you were over watering it would create an anaerobic environment, which if prolonged would cause the roots to suffer and potentially succumb to such an opportunist (these are ubiquitous). All soil has some fungi in it and threads of mycelium which usually you just can't see.


Well it doesn't have any fan providing any air circulation so I'm guessing your right, is it OK to mingle with mother plant, there is air circulation in her room


Well-Known Member
I keep a bottle of 100/1, water /peroxide . Spray a bit on the soil ....viola its gone. Wont hurt your plants to spray it on any molds that may occur. Good for clone boxes/germination boxes as well


Well-Known Member
I could be wrong, But it looks like hard water to me , since the susspected areas are the tops of high spots that dry out first