Mold on girls?? Almost ready To Harvest

Should I harvest my palnts already? I seen some mold on three of them took the mold of with gloves. And don't see anymore. It rained really hard and it was so fucking humid last night. I tarped them up prior to it the rain coming down this weekend. Should I harvest them early. My Trainwreck has about two more weeks to go, but my Blueberry and my Skunk wont be ready until the middle of October. Should I be worried for my Blueberry and Skunk? First time growing outside.


Well-Known Member
Can we see a pic of the plant? Are thhe plants getting any wind? I wouldnt I would try and protect them from rain and pray for wind and sun. Good Luck dirrtyd
Today we started to get some wind, the sun wont be out until Tuesday. They'll stay under the cover for a while. I got my daughter's playground helping me out right now. Also got some thieves trying to get my legal grow while the dog was in the house for the night, because it was raining really hard. It's hard keeping those out of my neighborhood lots of meth addicts around. IMG00088-20100915-1738.jpgIMG00114-20100919-1807.jpgIMG00105-20100919-1805.jpgIMG00119-20100919-1809.jpgIMG00118-20100919-1809.jpgIMG00116-20100919-1808.jpgIMG00113-20100919-1807.jpgIMG00108-20100919-1806.jpgIMG00112-20100919-1807.jpgIMG00091-20100915-1739.jpgIMG00106-20100919-1806.jpgIMG00105-20100919-1805.jpgIMG00115-20100919-1808.jpgIMG00086-20100915-1738.jpgIMG00087-20100915-1738.jpgIMG00107-20100919-1806.jpgIMG00090-20100915-1739.jpg