mold on my buds help!!!! what should i do?


Well-Known Member
just cut my plants 2 days ago and there is mold growing on my 2 largest buds what should i do ill give hella rep im so pissed


Well-Known Member
if its not to bad just put a fan directly on the buds with mold or you can go get hydrogen paroxide (spelling?) and dilute it a little bit with water and then spray on the mold.


Well-Known Member
Throw them out mold is no good... my condolences for your loses happrns to the best of us...:cry:


Well-Known Member
if its not to bad just put a fan directly on the buds with mold or you can go get hydrogen paroxide (spelling?) and dilute it a little bit with water and then spray on the mold.
:shock: lol dont spray ur nugz with hydro peroxide dont think he saw that u cut them


Active Member
Well, don't be so fast to throw them out. If the mold isn't substantial, put a fan on them, in a low humidity room.


Well-Known Member
yeah i know that he cut them y not spray with peroxide? and you could always just cut the mold off ur buds


Well-Known Member
yeah dont throw them out you just went thru your whole grow you dont want to jump to throwing your whole yeild out try to fix the problem b 4 you give up


Active Member
I strung string in a cardboardbox and cut big holes on opposites side and put a house fan at one end. Hang your bud and let it run for a couple of days. I suggest pulling the affected areas off.


Well-Known Member
yeah just shave the mold off with a credit card or something and seperate those buds from ur other ones just in case it decides to spread if i was you I would cut the mold off and then spray with hydro peroxide then hang up with a fan directly on the buds with mold at full blast for a couple days and c how it goes.


Well-Known Member
yeah dude, cut off anything with cobwebby stuff growing on it and dry them out real good. cobweb mould isn't terribly harmful anyway, but best to be safe and cut it right off.


Well-Known Member
i cut all the mold off, basically destroying 2 biggest main pissed but it appears completely throughout the buds. i removed the buds from the room and hung up the others


i cried a little when i saw those pics. maybe you can still make cannabudder to save it if you heat about 180 degrees. anybody know about this?


i cried a little when i saw those pics. maybe you can still make cannabudder to save it if you heat about 180 degrees. anybody know about this?
Dude it's mold get rid of it ! sorry to have to say that i know its hard but its mold what the hell would you want to smoke that for! It is in your best interest:peace:


Well-Known Member
i know the two biggest ones!!! i flipped shit when i saw it. brings back memories of when i cut the plants, i was like "these are 2 big buds should i cut them in halves or fourths?....nah, but i wonder why i never see ppl give me huge buds like this... oh well the drying rack you go....." DUMB i guess from now on ill have to cut the big ones. that shit was dank too :(/