Mold on my Hash?


Well-Known Member
Got about 1/4 cup of bubble hash from my last grow, this was a week ago. Opened it up last night and I'm pretty sure there's mold on it!!??!! What happened? Is this just normal and I fucked it up??


Well-Known Member
Not stupid at all (says the guy with mold on his hash! :)) But no, what is that and how was I supposed to do that?


Well-Known Member
Im sure if you didn't let it dry fully before wrapping it up it could happen. Definitely not normal, in order to get an answer you're gonna need to post some pics. Theres a concentrates and extracts forum towards the bottom of the main page that might help you find an answer.


Well-Known Member
was it fully dry before you sealed it up ?

I make bho or hand hash normally I`m guessing with bubble hash you have to dry all that water and you want to use clean cold water and ice maybe dry ice too ?


Well-Known Member
Not to familiar with dry ice hash but looking at the pics I would say yea does look like mold to me. I would not smoke that. I would do a run of qwiso with that and get some nice mold free wax